go damnit it's called lenny CONUNDRUM.... why do people call it coldrum, they do it on the damn neoboards too... that's really annoying
Answer is Purple There is a question hidden in the dominoes along the lines of this "What is the color of the Kiko on the right?" and the answer is configured to be Purple.
Re: Yup Hahaha, yeah it's annoying but sometimes you just can't help but laugh . Btw, the answer was purple, they made a board on it already here... http://www.neofriends.net/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=2961
I got it but I forgot the exact answer, but it's a really simple problem anyways it just involved many right triangles so you can just do a^2 + b^2= c^2 to get the answer, if you still need it I can redo the problem for you and get the answer