Im pretty sure this person is legit. I was around years and years ago and i remember when lab map peices only costed around 3k per peice and you constantly found codestones or random stuff on the ground. It was alot easier back then to make np. Plus with an account who is 7+ years old think of the stock market. Thats alot of time to make money from there too. Plus with being so popular many people will give you stuff to try and join the crowd and become famous themselves. But ive also heard that many of the popular players have become illegit the past few years. I believe featheralley was said to have joined a cheating forum.
This would mean that the account is 8yrs old and a few months change so Im guessing The pet is original. Featheralleys gonna get mad and just LOAD her pet up with neggs... Shes got a couple billion to spare so I doubt this persons rich enough to take over
featheralley has been kinda steady over the past while. Been keeping a (relatively) low profile. Plus its difficult to actually judge a persons actual wealth, and for all we know, hrobi could be richer than featheralley (though I doubt it). And you can't just negg non-stop, your pet becomes full after a a couple neggs. You have to coordinate a lot factors to train efficiently. And I don't see why there's any doubt that antorcha is hrobi's original pet. I don't even think the Pound existed that far back.
Uh-oh I forgot to edit my last post, I still stated it was six years (badge-wise), heh, updated though. Anyways, the pet is legit, no doubt. That's where I stand on the topic, but I still don't think the pet is the original heheh. All in all, everyone's entitled to there own opinions though. (Mathematics states an estimated 124 unexplained days between account creation, and pet's age; this could be the Websites fault, but it's at best 50/50) Btw Zer0, can you post some more links for me of the best Neopets, or users on Neopets. It's crazy to see how much people have actually worked on them. Edit: Zer0: (Reference to lower-post) Thanks for the list Zer0, your always helpful.
Well, the most widely known are: borovan: adam's account, need i say more? donna: donna's account, need i say more? featheralley: being completely dominant in the 1 player BD w/ very long time strongest pet majal_kita, list of achievements are on majal_kita's petpage hrobi: long-time 2nd strongest pet w/ antorcha, now the strongest; has the most BD points garet_jaxx: probably the richest neopian, relatively low profile munsterpoo: for a while was the only owner of istaff/jstaff, very rich and high profile that's a basic list of people who everyone should know by now. then there are other famous people in smaller categories like malling, avatar collecting, etc
They all have massive shops, which I'm sure rack PLENTY of nps a day, along with their huge r99 collection which is a wotdf every month. I would list munterpoo after featheralley and munster is richer than garet too I believe, he has 4 known peas and is only missing like 16 r99s out of the 1600+ in neopia. (Also by istaff/jstaff I hope you meant wotdf )
seems all the people on this board just started playing recently. hrobi has been around, and quite famous at that, for YEARS now. i started playing way before hynfaerie got banned, and even then people knew hrobi. believe me, antorcha having 11k health is an amazing feat, but not that surprising considering majal_kita already had bascially those same stats like FIVE years ago (taking neopets inflation into consideration, now THATS amazing)
yeah hrobi has been famous for yeeaaaarrrrssss! I remember her from back in the day. She gave me a bday present like 4 years ago
Zer0: Thanks for all the names. Their accounts are amazing, and legit to boot! It's crazy how much Neopets seems to have changed over the years, and the rate of inflation. Funny, but someone actually had to tell me who Donna and Adam were. Although not new, I know practically nothing about Neopets outside of the games, quests and items. Americanperg: I'm not new to Neopets, not a vet either though. I've been playing for a couple years now, but I have never particpated in, or viewed a single Neoboard. I also don't read the Neopian times so I'm not up-to-date on anything Neopets related. My main reason for staying out the boards is to avoid any attention to me, reports, TNT etc etc. It seems alot of users report any comment they disagree with, anything suggestive, or mildy off-topic meh. Nice to meet you btw, haven't seen you around lately. Always good to meet someone new, and likewise proven an active member. okes lvl 2 status and gains a lvl up!: yay (rofl @ apple pie, classic) seven7seven: That's nice of Hrobi to do that, are you two in good terms still..? It's always great to have friends in high places.
new strongest pet? who was the previous one? anyway, i know of a danger fighting snowager on youtube i thought that jubjub was the strongest there was.