^^ also kind of interested about that. I have a cartilage piercing [my upper ear] and as soon as I have enough money I'm going for my snake-bite -is excited-
Pretty hard to explain... you can read a good description http://hinduism.about.com/od/omaum/a/meaningofom.htm :yup:
ears i have a birthmark hole in my ear though everyone thinks it a piercing but it runs in my family... if that makes any sense 3 of my cousins have it too
oooo that is rare indeed..... my cousin has a belly piercing (just found out) Also my friend just went for a lip piercing, she regretted it.
I don't think I could get my lip pierced. I know it wouldn't look right on my. I do like snake bites though. I'm getting my belly pierced. I thought about getting my nose pierced but I decided against it. Just a small stud, but eh I'm not sure. I want to think it out before I do it and then regret it.
I don't have any. I used to have my left ear pierced until I thought it was a bit fruity and took it out. I want to get my eyebrow and lip pierced though