I love the pirate xwees. That would be my choice ;D If you go with Maraquan though, you can probably save a lot by trading. Offer a custom or something and you'll end up spending a lot less.
Offer a custom for what? Haha, sorry, I can't think atm. School uses up all of my brain during the day. Haha and now I'm debating (still) between paint my xweetok pirate or turning my quiqqle (ew) into a hissi and painting that pirate instead. Only way I'm able to paint them pirate (or maraquan) is the fact that I have a FFQ on my main.
Oh, I thought you were buying the paint brush =/ If you have a FFQ, I'd say definitely go with pirate. Maraquans are much easier to come by.
LOl, no way. I'm too cheap to buy expensive paint brushes, I rather just click random stuff on Neopets and talk on the boards till I get an awesome random event, which in my case, was a Fountain Faerie Quest. OK everyone, time for a quick poll. Narrowed down to painting these 3 neopets pirate: Xweetok Grarrl Hissi (Pictures of them located on the first page)
Out of those 3 pets, I'd go with the Xweetok. Imo, I reckon the Pirate Kacheek is the best option. And as for Maraquan, Shoyrus are the best :]
Go Pirate, then cross-paint to whatever you like, or leave as is. To me, most Maras look pretty weird, except the Unis and Shoyrus. And now that you point it out, *maybe* the Grarrls, though personally I wouldn't want one. :/
I would say go with the Pirate, it is what I'm working toward right now... I don't think I've seen a shoryu maraquin... but I am now intrigued...
I like better the Maraquan Grarrl, since I just totally hate every Pirate pet since the pets turned customisable. So yeah, I'd suggest getting a Maraquan Grarrl. But pay attention to feed him everyday so he doesn't eat an item, like a FQD XD
Mara grarll is nice Mara shoyru too. And one that looks like a tadpole/sperm. Lol pirates are cool Mara pets are cute
Well, I decided to just go ahead and paint my xweetok pirate and I might just paint a hissi pirate later in the future. So someone can close this thread now. Thank you everyone for their opinions & help.