Same here! I won't really have anything to do until January...except the boy. I'm guessing you're done with finals?
I've been out of class for a month now but had finals last week, so it's a long ass break. Class starts Jan 15 for me.
I've been out of class since May LOL. I think I start back on the 15th, too...idk though. I'm gonna be whipped into shape again. =/
Don't tempt me. lol Usually ugly people seem to join together. In their eyes, "they are the pretty couple". But I disagree. You got pretty offended last time. It makes me feel good inside even though I didn't mean it that way. For a "conceited ego" you seem to take things up the ass a little too personally in my honesty opinion.
He couldn't own you, I do! As for your guy...he kinda looks like me. I see some latent desires for me there. Bad luck love.
wow LOL this seriously made me laugh, also what if I dont have pictures persue of use together, just separate still rateable?