I have no clue. Driving down with my dad to catch the men playing in the Roger's Cup (tennis). I think we're just gonna be there one day anyway so lmfao
Thanks for starting this too awesone and too amazing sharing here. I really enjoy this great and too awesome work done. I love it a lot
Ahh I see. It looks so good ._. It kind of look like cheese fries though. Is it just cheese and fries?
Ahh I see, that sounds really good ._. I think we have something like that here too. It's called cheese fries but the cheese is the american cheese though.
my bf who is canadian says that New York Fries has the best poutine i looked it up and apparently, New York Fries doesn't actually exist anywhere in NY or the US
lol, where would you recommend to go for the best poutine? i haven't eaten much poutine myself, only tried it a couple of times from fast food places in canada
man I wish this thread was around last time I was here, I love poutine, and I love smokes poutinery, I get the nacho grande when I go
Dude I live like six hours away from Montreal and I've seriously considered driving there JUST to get some poutine. I think there are a couple places around Boston that serve it but I know it just wouldn't be the same. It's such a glorious combo of potato and fat. Nothing makes my mouth water like pics of poutine ;_;