Solution: German Shepards inherit the Earth, and take over. Problem: They have a nuclear was, Cockroaches inherit the Earth.
Solution: Martian DNA reacts with German Shepherd DNA. Mutation rages. Problem: This has now become the Planet of the German Shepherd
Solution: The very last two human survivors (living in the hillsides of Bosnia) breed and revive the human race, and German Shepherds are leashed and captured and domesticated once again. Problem: There's incest.
Ummm so are we Xing mine? Comy was a little late and I think we left off at Cockroaches taking over before commy posted late... >_>
Yeah, Joey did get in before me, so let's continue on with his, incorporating Phee's one as well. Solution: Cockroaches find out that in reality, cockroaches cannot survive the amount of radiation generated by a nuclear war. And so they die. Problem: The incestuous remaining human survivors have no more cockroaches to eat.
I think maybe this one's gone pretty far. Might change it up a little Solution: It turns out it was all a lame Problem: Now I have a hunger pang for cheese. But all the cheese in the house has been eaten!
Solution: Scramble on your knees for a mouse hole. (Mice always have cheese!) Problem: You get a splinter from the floor, now your thumb is swolen and bleeding!
Solution: Use crowbar. Problem. Your thumb is now detatched from your body, and your friend has just rung you for a PlayStation gaming sesh.
Solution: Borrow from the neighbors. Problem: Their house was robbed too! And oddly their tweezers were taken as well.
Solution: Fly to North Korea, they have everything. Problem: Turns out only a small third world country in Africa has tweezers, you go pick some up but get live polio in Egypt, AIDs in Africa, and typhoid from eating feces in your afternoon meal.
Solution: Go to doctor, get immunized. Problwem: You've lost your passport and are enslaved by a passing Moroccan caravan.
Solution: Wait! You still have a crowbar! Use crowbar to take out caravan. Problem: You ended up getting hit by an arrow that was poisoned by a Tree frog. You are laying on the ground staring into the heavens wishing it was over.
solution: you call george bush!! he can fix everything!!! problem: bush is on vacation in crawford like he always is