can you use vector art to make completely original art like something you would draw? if so how? and what program(s) would i use? i kinda wanna learn how to do some sort of original artwork and since i can't draw i'm left here
Vector ofcourse can make art you can draw. Except you can't do line art with pen tool. I use photoshop for my vectors.
ok but in photoshop how do you make it a line that isn't either extremely thick when i tell it to stroke it with the paintbrush or extremely thin when i stroke it with the pncil?
xD really? lol i completely over thought it then xD it always bugged me when i would make something then go to stroke it and it would be extremely thick xD well thanks do you have any tutorials that are good for a beginner then? or did you just kinda teach yourself?
Haha yeah. Basically, I answer whatever you ask. If I can that is. I try to be a super woman image to everyone Haha jkjk. Gimme a shout if you need more help. I'll try.
ok so when i make a path... like say an eye for a face... if i make the path huge so its easier for me to get detail how can i scale the path down since i know that's one of the major perks of vector art cuz i just like to make the eye really big so i don't have to deal with the zoom and forgetting i'm zoomed in
I Use Pen Tool too...on photoshop... The forms are simply more glean... But of course we must always have a good workout. :yup:
ok but how do i change the size of the paths? i know that's one of the main features of vector art and as i said i like to make things huge to get the detail in but can i then change the size of the path to make it smaller? and as i also said i don't like zoom i don't like having to remember to zoom out when i make a new path...
If you have adobe illustrator, and you draw it out on paper first, you can do something called Live Trace that will find all your pencil/pen lines and convert them into vertices. It's a really awesome feature.