There is no homework, there is no smart way Ive been on the programing scene since 2001, trust me when i say there is no safe way. OK a little test for you if you`v done "your homework" Your abber buys an item in under 1000mps what do you do? Your header to your abber is outdated what do you do? Your refresh rate has been consistent enough to pull up a red flag on your account, how do you stop that? You ab an item in 500ms, what are you going to do with the item? How many proxy's are you going to use? No having ago at you mate, its just i was legit just like you, when i first started, then i used an abber and lost it all. I know alot more than the average Joe, so take it from me , when people say they`v abbed for 4 years and made millions with no freeze.... take it with a pinch of salt
I try and RS with my office connection (T3)... but I didn't get anything worth much. o-o So I switched back to ABing. XD
I have actually not used an ABer yet, I am still looking around and reading up information that people have posted. Why am I being put in the line of fire? I am aware of the consequences that come with taking this risk and frankly, I am willing. Having a little danger kinda makes it exciting. And the day that I mess up and get frozen, I won't post some sob story, "Wahh I got frozen for ABing. Pooor meeee." I'll accept that I messed up, and even start over. Hopefully I will have a backup with some NP or item to get me going. But thanks for your concern.
yeah man..bores me too, i do other things..i love it when i get to see that screen though shopkeeper has accepted your offer and i kno9w im about 700k richer i even like it when i see an unbuyable tho lol and i dont get it..wierd huh?
When I used to restock legitly, I would only do it so I could SEE and expensive item in the shops. I never had any hopes of actually obtaining said item...haha, I know I'm sad.
I've been trying restocking for a long time but never got any good items and was pretty bad at it because of my internet connection. I guess I never got anything good because of all these autobuyers . Can't wait to try it BTW
Restocking is a bad joke and it ain't never going to get any better. Let me break it all down - #1) If you truly restock "legitly", you aren't going to get much of anything. Ever. Unless you do it in shops that only stock 6 items at a time - then you have a chance of actually noticing the UB when it appears and visually separating it from the other items. #2) People now use adblock, autohaggle, and other scripts in combination and call it "legit". It ain't legit. Manual refresh + inhumanly fast automated greasemonkey scripts does not = legit. #3) If you use just adblock or some small script in an effort to not get banned, you're still going to have virtually every UB snaked out from under you by those who have taken it to the next level. Sorry. #4) Consider this for a second - think about all the expensive items you've missed out on legit restocking and then imagine how many of them were bought by people that were subsequently frozen...... what a waste What's worse - they'll start up a new account and do it again. #5) Even when you finally, FINALLY get lucky and get that R99 morphing potion, are you made? Noooo.... you're in for a whole new disappointment. Unfortunately, there are plenty of people out there autobuying their butts off who have long lists of morphing potions for sale. Unlike you who agonized for two weeks to get your potion, it took them no effort whatsoever to get theirs and they're supremely confident in their ability to get even more, so they hardly care what they sell it for. So while you're thinking R99 combined with all your effort and sweat should be worth a bundle, there are 10 people listing the exact same potion in trades all advertising "Lowest price on TP!!!!". #6 and finally) Get comfortable with disappointment and aggravation, cheat, or quit. Those are your options.
Whats with all the depression with this post ^^^ Been legit nets me about 8 Ub`s day on a 2mb connection, there are ways to further enhance your chances of getting those ubs, ways you haven't even touched on..
You want I should be happy about it? As an addition to what I wrote earlier..... #7) Say what I said about restocking and someone will always claim you're doing it wrong or you aren't l33t enough. Don't listen. It's aggravating enough without all that.
Many thanks for the tips about re-stocking using Opera and block helped me get this: Something Has Happened! You are now eligible to use 'Chocolate!' as an avatar on the NeoBoards! :yup:
sounds alot like me..but i dilude my self with the hopes that i might actualy find an item and make a chunky profit on it..draik egg would be nice..