I don't understand how people still don't get it. >.< Explain to me how time (logically) affects every line. Just to get you started, polar bears actually turn yellow with age, not vice versa. But go on.
I turn polar bears white -> Born yellow and I will make you cry. -> In time all humans cry I make guys have to pee -> Only a matter of time till i pee and girls comb their hair. -> Only matter of time till you comb your hair I make celebrities look stupid ->In time, Lindsy Lohan or another cleb will do something stupid and normal people look like celebrities. -> Clebs are born normal and turned into clebs in time I turn pancakes brown ->Time to cook and make your champane bubble. -> The co2 is added in time when champagne is being made If you squeeze me, I'll pop. -> Einstein's Space - Time theory If you look at me, you'll pop. -> Look at time you will drive your self crazy and 'pop' I was down between this and my other answer 'words', as words can convince people of anything, but that seemed stupid after I thought about it.
"The coat can vary from pure white to creamy yellow to light brown depending upon season and angle of light." "The hairs reflect light, giving a polar bear its white coloration. Oxidation from the sun, or staining, can make the hairs look yellow or brown. " When there born hair is shorter giving it more of a yellowish look (as you see more of the black skin) Can also answer it as there skin is black so takes time for there white hair to grow.
Its not reaching when I have the right answer and use science.. -_- ANYWAY....... NEW RIDDLE ~_~ A father and hid son are siting at the table one morning when the son looks at the father and ask. Dad what are two things that you can't passably eat for breakfast? The father said Candy.. he was wrong.. what is the right answer....
I don't like the way the riddle was framed. The way it was worded was that it was the cause of all these things. Time doesn't directly affect any of the things it claims to "make". Although all things follows the rules of time, that doesn't mean it's the cause of them. If you want to go that far you can say that time has made everything that exists in our history so far.
lol Good guess, but I guess you can rally eat them things if your weird. Not the answer Im looking for regardless.
Let's assume that there are round about 6 billion people on Earth. If you multiply together the number of fingers on every single person's left hands, thumbs excluded, what is your best estimate?
Acrasie, you did point out the key point, but you didn't give the answer. Somebody out there will have no left hand. So no fingers. Multiply by zero, and you'll get zero.