I didn't really need to know what hand every male in this forum uses either... but hey... ;P He said "hoohoo"... *giggles*
This realy isn't such a big deal Lmfao Its just a question, if you don't want to know the answer then leave the topic simple as that.
LMAO. Oh, fine.. ;P I'm not in denial, there was a little voice on my shoulder that said.. "Psst.. click that topic.. you know you want to.." .. but the other side was like.. "Ewww.. don't do it.." ;D Haha.
Left handed people for the win. There's a saying that goes: The left side of the brain controls the right half of your body, and the right side controls the left half. Therefore, left-handers are the only people in their right mind. Hahaha
Lolz. I can't believe you even posted that. =p You guys are so bad. XD And this scandalous topic looks like one of the most popular, too. What does that say about you all, hmm? XD