Sounds about right to me. Everybody just report him for *insulting you through mail* would that work? And do it to like everything we can find an account on xD
Aww. I hate him just as viciously as everyone here, but there's not need to stoop to his level. Leave the kid alone (on a side note, he has actual problems). More importantly: I laugh at your American rice. LAUGH. I just checked; we've got two 20 and 50 lb bags of rice in our pantry. The white bags with the pink circle in the middle, and the thick black chinese characters around?
haha yes now I can't quite remember how heavy ours is but it's the big big one of that brand japanese rice is quite yummy too...slightly chewier and smaller grain <3
lol the asian stores have those bags stacked up to the ceiling, i used to climb on them when i was a little kid =D
I've been missing this. Royal was my friend. I hope that's not the Royal you all mean. ................................ I'm getting depressed of what I've read in the first 3 pages.
Haha, it's good that this is back and royal is not ruler anymore. He made himself admin And for the site was down thing, I just added index.php behind so i could access forums and stay updated. Long night it was eh ricky92
This is the ROYAL that I want to remember. He helped me with my application and almost 90% close to become level 4. level-v-applications-f36/april-level-v-applications-t25307.html And He even post in my former last thread : level-iii-private-chat-f30/giving-my-main-neopets-account-for-t27303-15.html I really need to find a way to talk to him.
If you do want to contact him, is his e-mail. But don't try to defend his actions. What he did was wrong, and he knew what he was doing. He's not going to get any sympathy from me, nor does he deserve it.
I'm not trying to defend his actions. There's nothing left to defend. I was just saying he was a great help, he was above me (as rank and respect) before doing the things he did. I will sure have a long chat with him.
LOL thats what I get for googling email addresses.[/quote] Lolzers I thought you set up a fake petition yourself. roflmao.