Sorry, if you thought I was being rude. I was just correcting that its a he. And yeah all the new entries are on the last page.
I'm going to talk to Expon about making a separate sub-forum for the contest. It would probably be much easier than reusing the same board over and over again. Or maybe make a new topic every contest, and deleting the old ones. Meh, I'll figure it out xD
And I'm a boy!!! P.S.= Thanks gitanil, but I think first l_scorpio avvie has a good chance of win. GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE!!! :wink:
lol... now I get the whole misunderstanding I was talking about l_scorpio, you were talking about ricky
Because I'm a lazy butthead and I'm really really sick right now. As soon as I get enough energy I'll put the voting up. Gimme like an hour.