Re: To any1 afraid to use the score sender: We do have a score sender, but it you need to spend alot of time or money on the site in order to get it
Re: To any1 afraid to use the score sender: That's all I do is send a score high enough to get my 1k and I still got iced.. maybe someone tattled on me.
Re: To any1 afraid to use the score sender: that is so funny. his interests just add to it haha i can't believe he isn't frozen yet
Re: To any1 afraid to use the score sender: hahaha some newbie wan tnt to fixed the game again so making sure all score sender don't work for time being again!!!
Re: To any1 afraid to use the score sender: One would think if you don't wait long enough the score would get reviewed, right? I made sure to send scores low enough, and with a long enough wait time that it wouldn't have to be reviewed, and still got iced.
Re: To any1 afraid to use the score sender: lol maybe he got like 20 fish negs highly improbable i know....and with tnt i read somewhere is what they do is have a bot that records scores over a cretin score and then a tnt member looks at your computer during that time see if there programing was messed with..
Re: To any1 afraid to use the score sender: haha are you guys complaining that tnt isn't doing there job right? irony when most of the ppl here say they ab...
Re: To any1 afraid to use the score sender: 2 things: most of the people don't just say they AB, most of the people here do AB. also, the reason people are complaining is because im sure people have been frozen for sending scores a lot more reasonable than a 1 week account sending a score that is 3k+ higher than the previous high scorers.
Re: To any1 afraid to use the score sender: I was IP banned for score sending.... TNT DOES look at reviews and don't think you can get a one month account and pile on the trophies b/c you can't, they will catch you. If your sending scores and a few of your scores have been reviewed you will be doing yourself a favor by self freezing the account.
Re: To any1 afraid to use the score sender: As long as your times and score are realistic you'll be fine. I've gotten reviewed several times using scores enders and I wasn't frozen. Just be careful not to get impossible scores, like odd numbers on even only games, or a score of xx7 in a game where it's only possible to get scores in multiples of 5 or 10.
Re: To any1 afraid to use the score sender: I think people should have been more informed about the score sender. Propagandistic topics like this should be closed. I got iced too and I've had around 40 million spent in Battledome and Neopet Stats, not to mention avatars. After I got around 20 game avatars in 5 days they caught me :|
Re: To any1 afraid to use the score sender: I don't understand, how is this propaganda? It's just showing that there is a chance you will just get away with an occasional dumbness with it.
Re: To any1 afraid to use the score sender: What's the easiest way to find out which games are like that.. like can only end in odd/even numbers or whatnot? Just play them? Trial and error? LOL. I was IP banned too and I hadn't had any scores reviewed. :nope:
I have a question, I read on DL Section that the ezScore used Milliseconds, and Found A Guide of how long you need to wait, etc. for Avvie. I had a friend Test Out The Buzzer Game Avvie for avatar, wait time was like 110millisecinds, the score was reviewed because in order for him to get the Avvie, he was added to the High Score list, what are the odds of that acct gettting frozen?
Lol 110 milliseconds... thats like .1 seconds..... hes most likely screwed, but its possible that TNT will slip up like they have in meerca chase.
Re: To any1 afraid to use the score sender: Check the high score lists for patterns, or you can just play the game and see for yourself.
Or, use my favorite. See someone's score on the List, and match it. Unless they cheated, you're good to go. Amusing thought: Anyone with an account you're going to freeze anyway.. would you cheat on Faerie Caves 2? Get a score over 1520 and see if it works?