This seems to be the most common number associated with the Lab Map. Which means my third lab is going to be the most expensive. -laughs.- My second one wasn't too bad. Some RE's, Tarla and a friend helped me to complete it. I ended up only purchasing five of the nine pieces. Which is think is pretty good. c: Also, I've found that a good idea for potential buyers is to definitely contact Trade Owners. I got some pretty nice deals on a few of my pieces - discounted because of inflation. I'm thinking this might be the peak (or at least close to it). Most of the people I neomailed were eager to accept my offers. All together I spent around 500k on my lab. Which breaks down to 100k per piece. And considering I bought the most expensive pieces, I'd say that's a pretty good price. But I could be wrong...
Man, the lab map seriously inflated :nope: I remember the last time i got one about 7-8 years ago, they were going for 120k for a full set and i thought that was expensive! 1.5 mill now >.< im gonna need one soon.
I bought mine yesterday for 1.05mil... I remember when I got one for 300k and I thought I was over paying. x.x Oh well, hopefully tarla will come and give out the piece that's like 200k and bring the map down to 800k, then I'll buy it in my two spares.