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Sending in scores 10x has been extended!

Discussion in 'Neopets Chit-Chat' started by Resu, Nov 25, 2009.

  1. americanpierg

    americanpierg Level III

    Mar 24, 2007
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    which score sender do you use? i cant use more than 2 instances of any score sender for more than an hour without the computer slowing down to unusable status. 10 at the same time is :nope:

    also, it doesnt matter if a game list is "faster" after a certain point, because it all becomes arbitrary as to what you consider "safe." if you settle on 60 seconds per game minimum, which most people seem to do, that puts at a max 60k an hour. if you set it at 30 seconds per score send, that puts it at 120k an hour. Any list that "promises" to give you more than 120k an hour means you'll be sending a score every 30 seconds, take that warning however you may.
  2. Richy

    Richy Level IV

    Jul 2, 2007
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    What I've labeled my 'Quick List' is a max of one-minute plays, but they are all realistic. Tunnel Tumble, for example, only takes 10 seconds to get the 1k score, so I popped 11-14 in the list

    My Kass basher is around 20 seconds

    Of course, all of my scores were first obtained legit by myself, so I'm just having the program do what I already can do myself
    In my mind, that's the ultimate way to make it look realistic ^^
  3. GrapeFruit

    GrapeFruit Level IV

    Dec 12, 2006
    Likes Received:
    The Beach
    I use slaughters SS. I run it on my desktop when I don't really need a fast comp and use my laptop while the SSers are running.
  4. americanpierg

    americanpierg Level III

    Mar 24, 2007
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    yea, i only use 11 games sent 10 times, and theyre only games that would take less tha a minute or so to get 1k in real life, so i put them at ~30 seconds each depending on the game. ive been doing trial and error so far to get it JUST right, and i have hundreds of account so it doesnt matter if a couple get frozen or not.

    i would like to use as many acounts as possible, but it just seems i cant. i cant run more than 1 instance of slaughter score sender without my computer bascially crashing upon itself after 1 and a half hours. i would run it on its own and use a diff comp but that doesnt work cuz itd eventually crash upon itself. 1 instance works fine, but 2 seem to draw too much memory, and more just crashes worse. its not ram or cpu, as the resoure manager doesnt show anything too crazy, but im assuming some sort of log keeping or something that is hogging all the resources. the progress bar doent help either.

    ive tried everything and nothing seems to work. Tried this on two different computers, 2.6ghz t9500 laptop with 4gb ram, and 2.8ghz i7-860 desktop with 6gb ram so i know problem isnt with raw resources. ive run it on windows 7, windows vista (dual boot desktop) and xp. tried it with a dell mini 9 netbook on xp, same results. ive tried mixtures of 32 and 64 bit systems. ive tried compatability mode on xp to do 95. ive put the executable files in different folders. results are all the same: after an hour and a half, the program would slow down to the point where each 20 second score send will take like a minute or more, after 2 hours, the computer would be too slow to even change settings or view progress conviently, most times causing display problems with the window. its something to do with temp mem usage, but i dont know how visual basic works.

    if its worth anything, i can run 20 copies of igloo autobuyer with no problem for 4 hours straight (never needed to run it for longer as id usually get 10 items by then on all 20 accounts, would be quicker but they always seem to steal from each other every restock, i usually only run 4 at a time for ~2 hrs but never once been frozen for igloo eitherway)

    if anyone knows what the problem is or how to get rid of it, or a SS that hogs less resources (whatever resources they are...) ill give you 2m np.
  5. GrapeFruit

    GrapeFruit Level IV

    Dec 12, 2006
    Likes Received:
    The Beach
    Wow that is weird my computer is a stock 32 bit XP comp and running 10 it runs fine most times just a couple times it has not worked and even on my laptop I can run at least 4 or 5 fairly well. You might want to try ending some processes on your comp that you won't be needing to run cuz that might be a cause or even setting the priority to it's highest setting might work as well. btw what version do you have? I had problems running 4.6.3 so I'm running 4.6.4 beta(just hit check for updates on the left side) you might want to check that out as well.
  6. americanpierg

    americanpierg Level III

    Mar 24, 2007
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    i would, but his betascoresender.rar download file set off multiple virus alerts from my own virus scanner as well as the free online scanner virustotal.com, so id rather not touch the exe file inside. could be something innocent, but can never be too sure with a 16 year old who programs programs like these.

    just for fun, my favorite response ive ever read from a forum of a user trying explain why a virus wasa actually not a virus. (its the 2009's version of "i found a hack, send me your sn and password and ill put 1 million np into your account!"):

    "its clean, its a false positive... its what makes your account unfreezable. "
  7. americanpierg

    americanpierg Level III

    Mar 24, 2007
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    found out the problem in case anyone else runs into this problem later on. this program doesnt work well on dual core processors. going into the bios and disabling dual core on my laptop got this to work correctly even after a couple hours.
  8. AliceB47

    AliceB47 Newbie

    Dec 8, 2009
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    I like the fact that we can still send scores 10 times, but I've heard it's killing the economy or something. :/ <==== Neopets newbie even after 8 months.
    I've managed to keep my funds in the 100Ks so I'm quite happy about that. :D
  9. GrapeFruit

    GrapeFruit Level IV

    Dec 12, 2006
    Likes Received:
    The Beach
    Economy shponomy I really don't think that it's had much of an effect as apposed to the grapes of wrath fiasco.
  10. Richy

    Richy Level IV

    Jul 2, 2007
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    oh fer sure... I've read somewhere (probably from one of GrapeFruit's posts) that there are only about 250 games you can send scores on. 10k for each ends up being 2.5mil (possible, per day, per account [though you'd get frozen if you tried])... through the month of December, that ends up being 75mil (possible, per account [though you'd get frozen even more if you tried])... that being said, if you had devised some super clever scheme running this on many computers with many instances per computer... you could come up with a fair sum

    but if you ran it 24/7, still sending insanely quick scores, one account could finance about a fourth of a GoW... so you would need to run 400 accounts in such a manner to do the same thing as the Grapes of Wrath did

    but, obviously, TNT would freeze anyone making anywhere near 75mil in a month purely from games :tehe:
  11. GrapeFruit

    GrapeFruit Level IV

    Dec 12, 2006
    Likes Received:
    The Beach
    Well I'm not saying it wouldn't be possible to make a dent in the economy it's just that there are too many people who don't know how to cheat properly that will end up getting iced before they can do any real damage any way. If there were people who actually understood how to do it properly then it might be an issue but from the forums I venture to, people are getting iced from SSing left and right cuz they aren't doing something right. Even from a legit perspective there aren't many people who are actually going to attempt to do even 1/4 of the games 10x because it would take to long.

    PS. I've already made more than 75 mil and I'm not frozen :p
  12. Richy

    Richy Level IV

    Jul 2, 2007
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    *bows down* but how many accounts are you running it on?
    my current version of sLAUGHTER doesn't want to support more than one window, and even that one is having trouble functioning >.<
    also, outta curiosity, what is your NP per day per account currently? And how long does it take to run those lists?

    Sorry for the interrogation... that's just a good chunk of change
    also, have you updated your list since the NP ratios changed?
  13. GrapeFruit

    GrapeFruit Level IV

    Dec 12, 2006
    Likes Received:
    The Beach
    "You may stand young one" :p

    Currently I'm running about 5 windows I was running 10 the past 2 weeks but I switched to my 2nd desktop so my main one wouldn't blow up.
    Depending on the amount of errors sending I get/proxies not working I make at least 4m a day (used to be 10m a day :p)
    My list takes roughly an hour thirty to run through one time and makes 75k per run.
    And yes I updated my list the day the ratios changed :D
  14. Richy

    Richy Level IV

    Jul 2, 2007
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    Now I really need to figure this out *scratches head*
    does your list send a score three times, and then you send that list three times?
    or does your list send a score once, or does it send 10 times, etc?
    Does each window run three or four accounts?

    If you don't feel like posting this here, but are still willing to let me know, please PM me
  15. lazypando

    lazypando Level IV

    Nov 16, 2006
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    the beta is a lot less laggy than the current version
    Richy likes this.
  16. Richy

    Richy Level IV

    Jul 2, 2007
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    that is SO good to now, I was running into a lot of trouble with that. The only problem is now I have to completely remove my current beta and reinstall and go through mumbo jumbo :\

    thanks very much, pando... this actually was excellent timing for that post, I was just wondering about that
  17. peanut

    peanut Level I

    Nov 3, 2009
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    *skips off to buy a score sender list*