Should kids be exposed at a young age to electronics/compute

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by superperson, Oct 23, 2007.

  1. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    I don't have a problem with kids at a young age getting into computers and such, as long as they can balance out the rest of their life just fine. You don't want to see your five year old only playing video games and munching on snacks while the rest of his friends are all out playing in the sprinkler or something.
  2. WildSnorlax

    WildSnorlax Level IV

    Sep 21, 2008
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    Alberta, Canada
    Well it's not whether they are exposed to it.
    It just makes it seem unfair because when I was little, I had to like beg and tell my parents I want a gameboy. If i'm lucky they buy me one. But they rarely bought me electronics. It was just simply expensive.
    But 5 year old kids these days..are holding a DS in their hands during dinner and stuff.
    Makes me wonder how many of those games they can logically play.
    Do parents give in easily now or something?
    Because I know my parents never did.
  3. candcain

    candcain Level II

    Nov 2, 2008
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    Okay, I'm not too sure about giving a baby a computer to help them walk and talk, but I think small amounts of TV and computer is fine for children as long as it is in moderation. I don't think you should let your child spend the entire day in front of the TV or with their gameboy or whathaveyou. In fact, there is some study that says that too much time with cartoons in dim lighting can induce epileptic seizures in children, but I'll have to look up the article for more information.

    Ahem, but my takehome message here is that these things in moderation are fine.
  4. creatinetaker

    creatinetaker Level II

    Nov 16, 2008
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    They should be exposed to the computer but with limited internet access. Computers are everywhere today and they do so much.
  5. Liwi

    Liwi Level II

    Dec 11, 2008
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    I think the younger they start learning the better. We are living in exponential times, and I think were in a time where kids HAVE to know how to use technology.
  6. bladeoftalwar

    bladeoftalwar Level IV

    May 20, 2007
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    they should be allowed to see the new electronics. why handicap them in a high tech world? it's not necessary
  7. SinkingThoughts

    SinkingThoughts Level I

    Dec 19, 2008
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    *sigh* I didn't even touch a computer until I was in 5th grade. Honestly, I could say I would have been a lot less bored in my childhood if I had one. But... too early on, and bad habits will form -_- Certain content on the internet is not exactly suitable... and it's very difficult to censor it out completely.
  8. krilas

    krilas Level II

    Jan 1, 2009
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    Depends what they use it for and their discipline. For me I have been exposed to Neopets at the age of 7, due to that and the desire to create a guild, at the age of 8 I have already been learning HTML on my own and somehow managed to even reformat a computer by myself. By the age of 10 I already began learning PHP to create a guild website (using free webhosts), then following that was Adobe Photoshop and Flash. I even started a home server (Apache) for awhile from buying DIY parts.

    All this was ongoing at about the same time as when I received a Pocket Gameboy (at that time there was no GBA or GBC yet). If I had been addicted to gaming then I guess I wouldn't have been able to learn so much about programming and hardware in the first place, so it basically depends on the amount of discipline put in.