Yes that was pointless, but he wants to try and be accepted by many religious people. Cassius Clay found Muhammad. Anyway his career should be over if it already isn't. And I agree if he does continue and later kids who idolized him find out he did such cruel things they'd be like WTF.
lol i hated that part too... i mean... how does killing dogs help you find jesus... he is just pissed he was caught...
I have a theory about the "Find Jesus" part. I remeber a ways back that a woman murdered someone or something and when she became a christian then all the christians backed her and tried to get her out of jail. I can't remember if she was set free or not but I do believe that she was. They "Find Jesus" for sympathy. For the support of the Christians and how they can get people out of jail when they try hard enough. I suppose to make them seem more softer and kinder by being religious but putting a cross around a murderer's neck still makes him a murderer.
JAIL. Most definitely. Most people would be serving probably around 3-5 years... This douche will probably only get 12-18 months (ohemgee celebrities can't actually follow the same laws as the rest of the world, can they?!) And fire his ass. Take back the 130 mil he made just for being on their team. Ugh, pisses me off.
He probably should be allowed, but by the time he gets out of jail, he'll be old, rusty, and no one will want him after what he did. And I can't say I'd blame them.