I think it's a stupid and kiddies' game... but I can't stop to play it I cheat at it, but only to gain better results =)
it can be fun, some of the games are really entertaining and i've met a lot of wonderful people on the boards. it's a good boredom buster.
i enjoy this since ages =/ i hack in it cause i wanna be rich quicker even tho i know i wont last long with hacking lols =/
Its alright, and its fun if you are young. These days however, I get bored to easily with it so I take a break from it every once in a while.
i dont play at all really...i just got into programming a while ago, so now I just make programs for it to help others, but thats about it..oh and using programs everynow and then to earn a few np
i used to play quite obsessively.. clicking links on the explore map and such, typical newbie behaviour i dont even know why i continue playing it.. its boring.. yet.. cant seem to find any better games/things to do x.x
I think Its alright.. Perfectly agree with Retsnom. If I couldn't get frozen for no reason, then I'd like neopets.
I don't really LIKE Neopets...the whole dress up your pet and stuff don't do it for me. I used to enjoy the battledome, but now its not the game, but more so the way Neopets acts as a means to a virtual economy. I enjoy making neopoints through collecting and hoarding, though I never really spend that neopoints on anything becuase theres really nothing to buy. It's kinda weird...I like the process of getting rich, but not quite being rich itself.
interesting results, people actually play it out of spite? i can seee why. freaking whining abyss of 13 year old emo-wannabes at times
well you dont have to like NEOPETS in general, but like the aspect of the game. If you acutally like neopets, you would enjoy playing the PS2 edition and whatnot...