a war plot without any of the puzzle crap would be the best i think. all these new plots are full of puzzles and stuff that takes hours and hours of absolute time wasting to complete.
Eh, I actually like the puzzle parts, just not the ones that were like the message decoding in the sloth plot (I ended up using an online calculator that figured it out for you) If the puzzles are solvable by regular HUMANS, I'm all for it xD
I actually liked, very much, the puzzle bits. I couldn't stand the battledome dealies. my pets are lame. lol
Meh, I don't mind the puzzles as long as their not ridiculously hard to figure out. Maybe they don't know though, because they ARE the ones that make them. Or maybe they just like watching us squirm
ZOMGZ Bonjou. That would be nice. <3 It's actually going to drive me mad, because I just think about it and my mind goes in circles and then I blow a fuse...A hint would let me upgrade to circuit breakers for a while, instead. A plot would be decent, I suppose, and there's always new avvies with wars, so I could live with one of those, too.
What was the name of the last war? Last time I participated on neopets, it was where The retired ring was awarded. lol I know.. pretty long.
Yeah, a new plot like the lost desert one would be great I hope it can earn us sone np at least, not like the petpet park thingy