I supports the use of stem cell. ITs like sacrificing 1 potential life to save many others. It is extremely useful as those sports athletes if they met with an accident BOOM* thats the end of their career. But with the stem cells they will have new hopes.
For those of you who don't know..... Stim cells are like blank cells. They are undeveloped, basically, and can become whatever kind of cell the body needs at that point in time... I think it should be legal with restrictions/limitations. As long as there are abortions, these stim cells are available, and aren't being used for anything else.. why trash them? But I don't think medical research facilities should PAY for these cells. They should be donated. In fact, the abortion clinics should be required by the government to donate these items unless the "mother" (and it feels wierd calling her that, should I call her a donor?) chooses otherwise. This would prevent a doctor from suggesting abortion to patients who wouldn't normally be comfortable with it, to make additional money for himself or the clinic. It also prevents payment for abortions for the purpose of gaining fetal cells.... the last thing we need is women getting knocked up every few months to make some extra cash from abortions. Ugh. What some women will do.... That said, whether she goes through an abortion or childbirth or miscarriage, I think the woman should always have a say in what happens to her child's cord or her abortion cells. Period.
soz let me rephrase, i completely understand that some people believe that it can feel etc but surely the sacrifice for the "greater good" is actually worth it, see thats the thing, in that case ivf should be as widely disputed as its nowhere near 100% perfect and i think jus about half of the foetuses survive and in that case surely thats just as bad as the foetus has been put into a highly compromising position with a very low success rate. Im more against cloning (scared that it will turn people into zombies,sad i know lol!) , but i do think that stem cell research is one of the most important things im the advances of medicine today, and if it means that we can cure cancer or hiv etc then so be it. I am also against virus engineering as ive seen what can happen there...and am scared of the zombies lol. What im gettin at is that the only thing to do with foetuses/mucking about with life that i am actually all for, is stem cell research...(and SOME animal testing, the kind thats used for medical research, as the animals are always fully sedated and contrary to popular belief, are actually really well taken care of!)
should also note that they use ivf eggs that are held in suspended animation, but i do completely agree with what your saying!! and i think that you have a genuine point. i think that they are beginning to do that with the ivf, i kno that they hold the eggs for five yeas before discarding...and i think that they ask the mothers permission before they either use them or chuck them out....on the other hand though, who is she to play god...hmmm
I honestly couldn't care less xD But because of that I'd have to say Yay due to the simple fact of me not caring xD
Alrighty. I'm going to try not to offend anyone by saying this... God created us all in his image. We are his children. He gave us intellect. He's given us freedom to make these choices. Finding the cure for cancer using stim cells from a cord that was severed after birth doesn't seem to cross any lines to me. I mean, the cord would just be tossed otherwise. And they can use cords from babies that were not aborted. If you really want to get down to the nitty gritty, doctors could easily extract some cells from a child still in the womb. Easily. Without using any supplies from abortions or anything else. Some people disagree simply because aborted fetus are used. And if you take that out of the equation, most of those people have no argument. The other side that argues, argues on the side of Christianity, that we shouldn't be playing God. But really, I don't think that any God would have given us the brain not to try to use it to our best ability. Just a thought.
I'm for it. You can get them from umbilical cords, and I heard that you can also get them from either the placenta or the embryonic fluid I can't remember which one. But there's so many different ways to harvest them without "harming a potention life. I really don't care, I'm for abortion anyway.
If scientists have been using tigers' genitals to cure diseases then why not human babies' cells? It's stupid how people think Homo Sapiens Sapiens is superior to other living creatures >:B After all we're just apes with a little more complicated brains and thumbs. I have no sumpathy for feti right now.
I think yay. My Uncle has a disease which could be easily cured using stem cells, but unfortunately, it's not legal yet. In the mean time he'll most likely die.
tiger genitals? you have got to be kidding me, what sort of special property could they possibly possess.
I am very very very in favor of stem cell research. I look at it this way. We already take tissue from the deceased. Granted, the deceased have agreed to it (however... This isn't always the case...). But honestly now. The babies arn't using them. And women have every right to abort if they so please, in my opinion. Even if abortion is made illegal (which won't happen) they'd find a way to do it anyway, and at greater personal risk may I add. So why not just use the stem cells to benefit others? EDIT: ermm.. I Didn't realize this was an old topic, don't kill me. I didn't do it.