Okay, lets not. Look at the colour of my name. Look at the red award under my stats. Hmm. Cute for a rhino or a toad maybe.
*ban* *cry* You guys are being mean to me, my tender soul can't take it. The next person that's mean to me gets banned. Seriously. For like 1 minute.
You can't abuse your power, ho. And excuse me? I'm mean? You just called me ugly and compared me to a rhino.
You know what this reminds me of? 4th grade. When the boys were mean to the girls they had crushes on.
I'm a mean boy, I pull girls hair. The hair on their heads. I'm only in third grade though, so I wouldn't know what goes on in fourth.
Try not to have that much resolve about it when you're finally arrested. Nonchalance about stuff like that doesn't go over well with the jury.