My AB runned for 10h30 tonight and I got 10 items. I think an average would be 1 item by hours. Not everytime, but most of the times I get 1 items by hour. Sometime we can get more, other times less.
The max items you can get from Igloo from 1 account (in 24 hours) is 10. So maybe it got 10 after three hours. Then just refreshed for the other 7. Stuff like that isn't great for TNT to see
I request zer0 you edit your first post to include all your shop list so in the future we won't have to browse thru every page to see what list you have.
Its all in once place once you reach Level 2 Here's one: Its not completely automatic, but its much better than going in by hand
07 Book Spoiler Book Of Peas Chia Art History Zafara War A Seasonal Pea A Chia Halloween 1052 Sakhmetian Tales Unabridged Dictionary Super Secret Guide to the Defenders of Neopia Headquarters Aerial Shots of Neopia Baking Chocolate Korbats Best Friends Lupe Digest Calculus Basics Bruces Guide to Combat Eating Illusens Journey Zafara Lore Peophin Power! Neopias Past Meercas In Love Finding Illusen A History of Chias Deciphering Your Dreams A Chia Story The Eyrie Guard Lupe Legends Hold Your Breath Darigan Citadel Altador Cup Media Book Care of Koi Altador Altador Cup Media Book 12 Angry Myncis Captain Meerca The Way of the Draik The Zombie Chomby Extinct Neopian Languages Chianatomy Cheat By Capara Kougra Classics Shenkuu Altador Cup Media Book Gallery Of Toast Defence in the Battledome The Velveteen Draik The Grizzly Gruslen Moehog Masterpieces Jazzmosis Biography Faerie Secrets An Eyrie Evening A Chias Choice Virtupets Altador Cup Media Book Mystery Island Altador Cup Media Book Krawk Island Altador Cup Play Book Conquer the Dark The Royal Treasure Collection Super Lupe Comics Faerieland Altador Cup Media Book Do It Yourself Bobbleheads A Snowbunny Tail Chomby Poems Buzz Acrobatic Stunts Space and Magic Cybunny Care A Faerie Beautiful Day Brightvale Altador Cup Media Book A Magazine The Pea From Outer Space The Chomby Secret Monstrous Makeovers Cenanit Ragamans Famous Chias Legend Of The Quiggle Runner Purple Lupe Photo Album How to make Origami Creatures Kau Pastures Illusens Book of Charm Gelert A to Z Book of Evil Schemes 300m Peanut Dash Guide Book 101 Leafy Uses Hot Dog Recipes Cooking With Your Wock(y) All About Dark Faeries Harquins Day 101 Beverage Recipes Roo Island Altador Cup Media Book All About Fire Faeries Unleashed - The Great Lupe Escape Draik Tales History of the Strength Potion All About Earth Faeries Spotting Seaweed Usul Investigations Toast Tasting Little Timmys Story Kacheek Magic Altador Cup Magazine The Lonely JubJub The Hot Scorchio Cook Book Common Cures Zombie Handbook Angelic Usukis Altador Cup Rule Book Tyrannia Altador Cup Media Book Krawk Island Altador Cup Media Book Draik Magic Moehog Decorating Tips Ketchup Cookbook Zombie Legends Dont Call Me Cute A Gnorbu Novel The History of the Origami Warf Maraquan Pop-Up Book Cooking With Peas Collectors Guide to Bobbleheads Terror Mountain Altador Cup Media Book Game Guide: Volcano Run Ogrin Mountain Climber Long Neck Lucy Haunted Woods Altador Cup Media Book Musical Math History of Whirlpools Advert Attack Guide Book Zombie Grave Book Maraqua Altador Cup Media Book Writers Tips Rainy Day Activites Advanced Magic Secret Lenny Book Forbidden Pteri Tales Cave Kacheek Twisted Tales Of The Mutant Ruki Rare Stamps Krawk Pot Recipes Chia Ghost Stories Webs of Death Making Kau Plushies Wocky Magic Game Guide: Jubble Bubble Faerie Chombies Book of Clams Rare and Retired Items Chocolate Chia Cookbook The Spotted Flotsam Guide to Pet Pets Better Than You Kasuki Lu Biography Wings Over the World Happy Feet Cybunny Secrets I Love Moo-cee Harris Tales On Tour with Chomby and the Fungus Balls Meridell Altador Cup Media Book On The Trot Lost Spells of Neopia The Pineapple Chia An Acara Named Whirr Mynci Book of World Records Guitarists Guide 1002 Spells For You Whirlpool Colouring Book Origami Pop-Up Book Mr X Meerca Paint Guide Meruth The True Story Secret Bruce Journal Xweetok Ice Breakers Uni Cycles The Red Paw Dicearoo for Beginners Plushie Adventures Life In the Citadel Aisha Secrets Uni Care Training School Myths Escape From Meridell Castle Avoiding Writers Block Eliv Thade Peek a Boo Book Tis Be Harvesting Time The History Of Meridell The Draik My Hobby Book Kacheek Week Grundo Cafe Recipes The JubJubs Secret Naughty or Nice Grand Master Ghost Stories Faerie Berry Recipes Double Tuskaninny Tales Zap the Robot Aisha Poogle Plushie Catalogue Nuts, A Love Story No Bones About It Lost Desert Colouring Book Legendary Skeiths Just Rolling Along Ghost Lupe Spooky Stories Creating a Lucky Zafara Carrot Sculpture Bobbleheads and Neopian Cultures A Squires Life The Complete History of Wockies Notable Nimmos Nimmo Genealogy Every Shoyrus Handbook Dark Eyes the Aisha Visiting Kreludor Sinsis Puzzle Book Peopatras Story Encyclopedia Neopia Defenders Stand for Justice Baby Blumaroos Acara Algebra Yurble Adventures Tuskaninny Treasure Tonu Tails The Spectre Legacy The Lost Grundo The Korbat Researcher The Grand Usul Adventure Love, Laughs, Xweetoks Learn to Swim Korbats Lab Secrets Adventures In Space A History Of Moehogs Wings of Steel To Beak or Not to Beak The Shoy Origami Pets 101 Nutty The Turdle My Sweet Scorchio Kiko: Emperor of the Desert JubJub Day Ideas Glurp Defenders of Neopia Fun Book Baby Kacheeks A Kau Summer Desert Days Zafara Art Uni Days The JubJub Club The Great Koi Caper Scorchio Defence Quiggle Health and Fitness Once Upon A Chia Ixi A-Z Advanced Thermodynamics A Starry Pteri Night The Plushie Coffee Table Book Wocky Hide and Seek Book Tropical Flora and Fauna Trectse fo Thade The Uni Trilogy Neopian Music Magic for Beginners Its Aisha Time Baby Gelert Pop-Up Book An Ogrins Wild Life The Missing Koi The Ixi Book Tell Me Why Soap Making Scents Of The Skeith Pteri Poetry Poogle Profile Neopia In Under 18NP A Day Mutations in Kacheeks Lennies Who Lie Go Fly A Kite! Faerie Kau Handbook Eye Of The Grarrl Desert Badlands Cooking With A Bomberry Carrot Growing Barallus The Brave Acara Nightmare 10k+ profit (taken from official AB list thread)
can i have a 35k+ profit list for food / chocolate/ plushie / spookyfood / stamps / furniture / candy? whichever you're comfortable with doing or even better, all? ^_^
30. Spooky Food 35k+ Spoiler Gummi Worms Rest in Peace of Chicken The Stuff Snorkle Snout Blumaroo Tail Salad Extravaganza Chocolate Jack-O-Lantern Chip Cookie Grundo Toe Lint Chocolate Coated Eye Bat Kebab Spooky Handwich Pumpkin Pot Pie Candy Skull Bogie Berry Brain Ice Cream Pumpkin Ice Cream Menacing Brew Pink Spooky Popcorn Pink Spooky Ice Cream Pink Spooky Floss Eliv Thade Sandwich Eliv Thade Chips Eliv Thade Sludge Shake Eliv Thade Wrap Bloody Ghost Toast Pumpkin Ghost Toast Strawberry Ice Cream Apple Lantern Tomb Chips Bowl-O-Bones Roasted Spyder on a Stick Elephante Trunk Stew Chilled Eyes with Clam Sauce Raspberry Ghostkerchief Jelly Coffee of the Dead Ghost Puff Bone Dog Ghastly Stew Rotting Wormburger Worm Stew Brain Stew Brains and Dumplings Spagetti and Brains Holiday Ghostpuff Holiday Eye Candy Holiday Gingerbread Mansion Holiday Spoiled Neggnog Here you go
The above list is missing a lot of high profit items and isn't profit-prioritized. Appreciate the help though 30 Spooky Food Spoiler Snorkle Pudding Ghost Puff Jelly Spider Eyeball Crunchy Snotball Pumpkin Scoopings Runny Snot Quiggle Pie Wing of Korbat Cadaverous Cola Mouldy Cheese Apple Lantern Parts on a Pizza Spooky Ghostbeef Meerca Pie Halloween Candy Cane Gorerito Pink Spooky Floss Chocolate Coated Eye Grundo Toe Lint Coffee of the Dead Spagetti and Brains Pink Spooky Ice Cream Raspberry Ghostkerchief Jelly Brains and Dumplings Jelly Finger Coco Pumpkin Snorkle Snout Holiday Gingerbread Mansion Holiday Ghostpuff Eliv Thade Sandwich Rest in Peace of Chicken Pumpkin Ice Cream Elephante Trunk Stew Brain Ice Cream Worm Stew The Stuff Eliv Thade Wrap Holiday Eye Candy Ghastly Stew Menacing Brew Tomb Chips Pumpkin Pot Pie Holiday Spoiled Neggnog Eliv Thade Chips Candy Skull Bowl-O-Bones Strawberry Ice Cream Apple Lantern Blumaroo Tail Salad Extravaganza Brain Stew Eliv Thade Sludge Shake Bloody Ghost Toast Pink Spooky Popcorn Chilled Eyes with Clam Sauce Bogie Berry Bat Kebab Spooky Handwich Rotting Wormburger Slime Soup Pumpkin Ghost Toast Gummi Worms Chocolate Jack-O-Lantern Chip Cookie Bone Dog Roast Worm with Cranberries Snail Cream Cone 01 Food Spoiler Jelly Negg Rainbow Cybunny Negg Golden Caviar Puzzle Fruit Puntec Cupcake Happy Anniversary Negg Cheesy Chocoshake Pizza Sandwich Grey Eggs and Bacon Black Caviar Fire Apple Bangers and Mash Plum Bludberry Cheesy Krawk Dip Island Meatloaf Zeenana Toffee Apple Carrot Crown Steak Surprise Rainbow Negg Ice Apple Mutated Negg Tigersquash Custard Chokato Toffee Apple Ultimate Icy Negg Funnydew Neggnog Bag of Peanuts Glowing Apple Rainbow Apple Raspberry Toffee Apple Baby Elephante Milk Bottle Upside Down Ice Cream Pirate Negg Kau Kau Farm Organic Bottled Milk Blue Cybunny Negg Starry Cupcake Red Picnic Hamper Noil Candy Floss Flaming Tuskaninny Ice Cream Tchea Toffee Apple Rainbow Neggnog Heart Shaped Negg Steak Negg Petpet Crackers Honey and Bacon Burger Acara Ice Cream Surprise Mega Manoroot Sandwich Spicy Kau Burger Turkey Drumstick Dinner Peach Jelly Puntec Parcel Seaweed Flotsam Burger Mega Pipper Sandwich Super Icy Custard Starry Scorchipepper Le Sausage Roast Chestnut Neggnog Green Ham Unripe Puntec Wrap Buzz Sandwich Orange Negg Speckled Negg Battle Duck Negg Pink Negg Techo Jelly Surprise Squibble Berry Sandwich Meerca Bolognese Frozen Veggie Delight Chokato Neggnog Purple Cybunny Negg 35k+, profit-prioritized
108 Mystical Surroundings Spoiler Creepy Cave Background Underwater Background Tyrannian Concert Hall Background Tyrannian Volcano Lair Background Fireworks Background Dreamy Pink Hearts Background Artist Studio Background A Grey Day Background Classroom Background Neogarden Background Cloudy Sky Background Keyring Case Background Moon and Stars Background Raining Doughnuts Background Dung Cave Background Gadgadsbogen Fruit Background Square Mania Background 10k+ profit, profit-prioritized