As we develope our tech further we advance the possibility of annihilating ourselves. Just think of one example; the U.S has enough nuclear technology to destroy the world three times over.
No I don't think we are and did you guys hear about the new computers that are "alive" with dna and living cells? o.0 and no electricty it feeds off something that we eat
Not all technology can be bad I mean, just look at cars now, and all those robotic stuff. Technology that makes life easier and more comfortable. I think, with peoples ideas - I like technology, and look forward to it everytime. It's just crazy how people can invent stuff like computers calculators, etc. I'd love to see more advance things in the future.
You guys didn't pay attention to what I said at all. I don't expect you all to share my opinion, yet you are not even considering it. World wars back when we had less technology were still devastating. If we end up having a world war where many countrys have nuclear bombs it could mean the end of a large portion of the worlds population.
I'm going to vote yes, but for an entirely different reason than your original post. Yes, technology is bad in the sense that we are creating nuclear bombs and things of the sort that can kill mankind, but at the same time, it has been technological advances in medicine that has allowed many of us to live so much longer. So I guess my problem with isn't with technology itself, but rather how we choose to use it. I mean, there isn't any doubt that the television is a good invention with a huge upside (news, movies, ect.), but some of the shit that we just throw on there is utterly worthless. That's the kind of stuff I have a problem with, because there is no use for it than just rotting our brains and intervening with things that should matter (work, homework, etc.).
I like what this person said. Though I wish everything wasn't so automatic. People have become fat and lazy and are always wanting something to be easier.
well. autobuyers are automated. Technology taking things too far? I'd say no. How far is too far, its kinda hard to say. If the caveman had said, " this fire thingy is too dangerous. It burns people and stuff." Then we'd be in a bad place right now.
can't vote on this one because if the technology is used right most of it will greatly benifit the human race, heck you can make bombs out of fertilizer or planes loaded with fuel, isn't that taking things too far?
I vote yes because even if we have so much new tech. we are still doing to much like robots, and bombs which is crazy because it will be taking over peoples jobs and such.
That's right, but I voted no, because I like all the new thing they make. It amazes me everytime :shock:
It wasn't until the twentieth century that we developed the means for self-annihilation. Nuclear weapons are just one way, and remember nuclear radiation is used to treat cancer, they have made herbicides that are now defoliants, the gas powered engine (and coal consumption etc.) is now reponsible for glaobal warming, figuring out how to control diseases has developed super bugs, finding new antibiotics has created resistant bacteria and virus's. Now we ahve almsot a half a dozen ways we can destroy ourselves. Any technology can be used for good or bad, that's why I won't vote on this, it kind of depends who'se at the helm and the decisions people make along the way.
if we keep coming up with all these robots and machines we eventaully will become so lazy that we will all be weak as flies due to no exercise or work
A year ago, I'd have said yeah, were still not sure but now facts are coming into evidence that tend to prove that global warming is happening, how much of mans involvement in it is entirely another question. Mankind is however having a global impact on the environment, PPM of CO2 is up to almost 400 PPM compared to 220 just over a century ago.
We're too smart for our own good. If we keep using up gas and oil at the rate we do, it'll all be gone in 60 years. If we use coal at the same rate, it'll be gone in 240. There's so little real world left, just look at the rainforest. Because we THINK we're running out of space on Earth, we're choosing to put thousands of species in danger. Cars, trucks and vans are great, yeah, but they're polluting our world. Computers and TVs are great, yeah, but our generation is spending an average of 5 hours a day on both of them. We'll evolve to our lifestyles and we'll be useless, worthless, surrounded by filth and barren wastelands.