how can you have 4sec buy time when you have 0 ping and 21mbit/s connection ! :O I don't have any answer for that, sorry. Did you try without gzip ?
that's my question too. quite impossible, right? T_T anyway, it's not only your prog, but other ABers too sighh.
It is most likely your computer. What's your computer specs? Like ram, processor, harddrive space/how much is free
I can't see how this is possible. Unless he's running a pentiumII-450 mhz, that won't happen. All an aber is doing is string manipulation and VB.Net is a king in that domain.
I can't see how this is possible. Unless he's running a pentiumII-450 mhz, that won't happen. All an aber is doing is string manipulation and VB.Net is a king in that domain.[/quote] Yea, well, he should try a different PC. If it doesn't make a difference I have no idea. o.o
Have you tried GM abers? cause seriously your buy times are strange. I have longer buy times with AU sometimes too and don't get too many items, but my GM's usually work pretty good and I like browser based Abers <3 Edit: I had a look at my latest stats and I get buy times for AU under 3 secs with this shoddy net I meant that you make the program stop buying a certain piece after you get like 5 of them. This is mostly for someone trying to get full maps (eg. 5 full maps and then stop).
That feature is not there and probably won't make it in the next version. At worse, you'll have to resell the piece for a profit XD
I know XD terrible shame having to resell for a profit Yeah I'm just lazy when trying to pick up T-maps aye thanks for the good effort anyway
I use Blaze atm (downloads.php?d=284) which doesn't give times, but my old one ricky's used to post about 2.4-2.8 ish, I'm pretty sure if it runs in your browser it doesn't go slower, particularly if you just adblock everything. I like GM ABers cause they seem less problematic to me (and safer tho I have no proof), if when you browse Neopets everything loads quickly (which it should I'm thinking with your connection) then the GM ABer should also be fast, though I have no technical knowledge so could be wrong.
I don't know, maybe it's just me but sometimes it seems like the attic doesn't restock for hours on end. But whenever I restart your aber, it seems to find a restock soon after that. So is it cause I'm surfing Neo during the 7 min break that causes the program to stop finding restocks...or am I just seeing a terrible coincidence lol Cause I notice that when it is finding restocks, I get logged out, but whenever it goes hours without a restock, I don't seem to get logged out...I don't know, maybe it's just a coincidence lol
I don't really know about this program but I'm pretty sure you're not supposed to be on neopets when you're running the program. It'll cause the program to get logged off.
Hmmm, what if I were to stop the program and start it up again? But that would explain these sudden restock droughts followed by revival once I restart the program.
I still think that logs you out. Unless you log in again on the program. It's the same thing when you try to use two internet browsers on the same account. Even if you don't do anything on one browser while you're playing on the other... when you go back to your first browser, you're still logged out. And I've never really used this program but it could be that the program doesn't know you're logged out and just refreshes at the attic. Which is why you see long periods without a restock.
Cool cool, thanks for the thorough explanations. Just had a restock after my 2 hour self induced drought haha. 400th post and I won't be surfing Neo with the program on again. Thanks.
Don't browse neo while you're abing. It may logged you out and my program doesn't look for this. Btw, friday and saturday was a horrible day for abing. I only got 1 item in 14 hours of abing in the attic. 1 day per week, I come up almost empty.
Hmmm, how often do you normally see items with your list? Cause I tried to trim mine down so that it would only get 1 mill+ and r99s and I rarely saw anything. Might've been cause I was browsing but I didn't have any luck with that list unless it was like you said, a bad weekend or my browsing that logged me off.
You won't see many items with a 1mil+ list. I'm using a 250K list and I need 8 hours to get 5 items How long is your list ? 300 items ?
2800 items lol It includes all 250k+ r99s, 1mill+ non r99s, I think 100k+ morphing potions and 200k+ stamps. I hope so at least cause that does seem kind of big now that I think about it. Edit: Nvm, that was the wrong list, the one above has 1900.
The thing is that the Attic doesn't RE stamps and MPs THAT much. Go for plushies instead XD Usually, I get 1 sub-200K mp, 2 plushies and 1 food. I'm using a R95+, 250K+ lists (1350 items).