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That moment of recognition..

Discussion in 'Neopets Chit-Chat' started by DeNo, Jun 25, 2008.

  1. fproplayr88

    fproplayr88 Level II

    Jun 26, 2008
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    all my friends on neopets are cheaters =x
  2. gamergrrl

    gamergrrl Level III

    Nov 15, 2006
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    I feel you on the trophy thing dream, I do ocassionally AB but I don't cheat on the games for trophies (the one time I did cheat a few days ago was to send a score only high enough to get an avatar, but not to be on the high score list). I was browsing around some of the lists today and came across this:


    The best part? It's a one week old account.


    All of those trophies came from a very popular and widely used trainer. To me you're a bad cheater when you make it so obvious at what you're doing.
  3. DeNo

    DeNo Level III

    May 4, 2008
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    probaly the most truth here.

    "2) recognition of your accomplishment/skill. By cheating at a game you cheat yourself out of a chance at #2"

    I'm cheating myself of recognition skill on neopets?
    Personally, maybe for you 'skill' in neopets is a big thing. But for me its not, sports, career and life is.
  4. muro

    muro Level II

    Jan 13, 2007
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    I'm pretty neutral when it comes to other cheaters in Neo. While I agree with their illegal ways of making profit I wouldn't go cheering them on via neomail since I don't find them that trustworthy either. I know cheaters and hackers are people just like everyone else, I just have bad experience about having them as friends. Let's see; chain freezing, pw stealing, overall bad influence :maha: etc etc.
  5. dreamlorde

    dreamlorde Level III

    Feb 17, 2007
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    Yeah, a game trophy you get by cheating is actually in recognition of nothing.

    And to me, everything is a chance to test myself. I might see a tree and try to climb it just to see if I can. If there's something heavy around - a stacked pallet, a rock, whatever - I might try to move it for no reason other than to see if I can. If I know someone who's good at something, I'll see if I can be great at it. I can't even really explain why either, except to say that it's what makes me happy - not that I expect anyone to understand anyway - but there are two useful results of being like this I can explain. #1 - I almost always know exactly what I'm capable of. #2 - I'm not defined by other people - I define myself.

    About that last part of your message, guy... it relates to what I just said about defining yourself. A realistic goal in your career and life is to claw and fight your way to the top and then sit back and enjoy it. If you care about or wait around for recognition from your boss, co-workers, whoever, you're in for a ton of disappointment. They won't give it to you until you're at the top. And you have to say to hell with everyone else until you get there. But that may be a lesson only hard experience can teach. :(
  6. heyitsamy

    heyitsamy Level II

    May 8, 2007
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    I don't understand why a lot of people use trainers to get trophies at all... Most of them are just shell accounts, clearly, because they have no avatars, pets, etc. I use trainers to get a few trophies here and there because I still /play/ Neopets- I chat on guilds, on boards, feed my pets, etc. I get trophies either for avatars or if a guild requires I have a certain amount. I don't know, recognition on a virtual site by a bunch of adolescents doesn't really appeal to me. :/
  7. DeNo

    DeNo Level III

    May 4, 2008
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    Its kinda strange if you show innate similarities to like a contruction worker, but hey, thats up to you :yup: But personally, i admire that trait. I identify with it, being perfect in every sense of the word captivates me... Its just I see neopets as more than a fleeting side-hobby. Its something i played when i was a kid and decided to revisit because school and mates were driving me up the wall with pressure. I have dreams of world domination, i dont know how to get there exactly, or what i'll do once its my oyster, i just know that im ambitious enough to grab it with all hands/teeth/ears etc.

    Im not sure who 'guy ...' is, but I totally agree with you there. "The world embraces the common man. The world scorns the uncommon man. The world relies on the uncommon man for progress." Its been a tough learning to not get bothered by what people think, but im starting to realise that people are more worried about how they appear to me.

    Hehe seem like a well rounded and intelligent person, how old are you?
  8. SoC

    SoC Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jan 24, 2007
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    I find it hysterical
    and met a LOT of fellow cheaters on boards :p

    I usually PM them, SD,GG,NF,Evo, or a different board?

    And see what they reply :p

    Most i know alreayd on msn lol
  9. DeNo

    DeNo Level III

    May 4, 2008
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    You have that many on msn? Connected much.
    Hehe, arent you worried about pm'ing someone who doesent cheat?
  10. dreamlorde

    dreamlorde Level III

    Feb 17, 2007
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    Heh... 'guy' is like 'buddy', 'pal', etc. Not a lot of people say it, tho.

    I'm 28. This is only the second online game I've ever played. Ultima Online was the first but I quit after only a year because they changed it drastically, and for the worse. It gave me a pessimistic view of these MMORPGs & figured if I signed up for another one, the same thing would happen. I signed up for trial Dungeons & Dragons online but they don't need to do anything to it - it already blows.

    Things change though... I end up dating a just-turned-19 girl who was already playing for a couple of years, and she turned me on to Neopets so that we could have something to do together. I like it... I guess it's goofy and childish but whatever, this is the internet - we can do whatever we want. I almost never watch TV, so I estimate I spend half the time or less on the site than the average person does staring at the Idiot Box, which makes me feel like I'm not wasting precious time I could be devoting to other things.

    Dunno how old you are... when you said you were interested in getting recognition for sports, I estimated 14 to 19... my thought is, any younger and you'd sound less intelligent - any older and you'd either already be on your way to making a name for yourself in sports, which means you'd be bragging about it more, or you'd have given up the dream and be working on a different career path. Not that your age means anything to me... you present yourself well. B)
  11. DeNo

    DeNo Level III

    May 4, 2008
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    Hahahaha. Why thank you, I'm glad I didn't come off tacky. Your skills of perceptions are quite remarkable. I'm 17 to be honest, though I guess I think of different things to a normal 17 year old due to the personal circumstances in which I was raised. I won't pretend to be as perceptive as you, but your pretty much what you said was correct. Sports? It was a big part of my life, played rugby - aussie football - for six years. Love the sport, I've shared the field with 15 of my best mates every saturday for it. But i think what you call a 'Senior' now, and I'm orientating my life towards a path with a bit more cold ambition for money. So thus I need to study, and Study + Sport = Doesent Fit. I've just resolved to jogging and going the the gym these days, much more casual and still gets me that hit of adrenalin.

    Well you strike me as someone.. who has quite the realist perspective on life. Bad experiences? But either way, you are experienced and you seem like you got the nuts to back up your statements. Also quite opinionated (ahah as evidence throughout this whole forum suggests..), somehow all you yanks are.

    Hehe if Neopets is your second online game, you need to expand your horizons. Try WoW or something hehehe, I would feel guilty all the way here in Aus if you kept thinking all your life a "MMORPG" is neopets. Neopets is like my hidden shame to my mates.
  12. dreamlorde

    dreamlorde Level III

    Feb 17, 2007
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    Thanks for the compliments, but ya better quit now before I start blushin... :lol:
    You know... growing up, my idols were television characters. All the people who should or could have been role models to me when I was young were absent or losers, so I copied the only people I saw worth copying.... Captain James T. Kirk, Batman, plenty of male leads from silver screen movies, etc. So I'm based on unrealistic fantasy people. That has its pros and cons, believe me.... but I won't talk about me anymore.

    You also stand out - most people hate when someone they don't know "reads" something about them - so much so that they'll lie about it, even when you hit the nail right on the head. I won't pretend to know much of anything else about you, but I know you're above ordinary. Cheers :)

    I've heard a lot of good things about WoW, but let me tell you what I loved the most about Ultima Online - it was the chance I got to pit myself against other people. Player vs. monster, that's nothing... I'm not saying it isn't fun to a point, but it's a simple system - build your character enough, get enough of the right weapons and spells, and you can beat [insert monster here] all day long. That's not true with people, because you never know who you're up against or what they're going to do. I wasn't a Player Killer of the normal sort - I used the intellectual means of doing battle. I had a Grandmaster Tinker who could make trapped chests strong enough to kill any player... the question/challenge was: how do you get people to open them? Oh my God, the fun.... going into a graveyard battle and planting the boxes on fresh monster corpses so they'd be mistaken for treasure, leaving them on an open boat as a dark invitation... so many tricks.... and I had a Grandmaster Thief too.... I'd spend hours a day for a week standing hidden outside someone's house, learning their routines, watching where they made their mistakes, and eventually sneaking in unnoticed and cleaning them out. :lol:
    Maybe that sounds mean. (Maybe it was?) But it was what made the game enjoyable for me. Can you challenge people in any MMORPG currently running, whether it's through straight-up fighting or guile? If so, I might consider trying one out again.
  13. DeNo

    DeNo Level III

    May 4, 2008
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    Hehe why would I be annoyed if you can read me? I was more surprised that anyone could gleam so much ffrom just a post or two. ermm.. Is it a talent you have? Your not F.B.I. or something are you o_O

    Wow, characters for role models? That is so refreshing, and it works too. Because, If you want to be a smooth mofo like george clooney on-screen, you learn how to emulate it. Well thats what I do when i pick-up hehe.

    I never played Ultima Online but the possibilities within the game you present sound great, being able to do all that shit. If you prefer to be challenged on such a dynamic level - intellectually - im not sure if WoW would exactly satisfy you. For the average gamer joe to the hardcore it would be good, but if your looking for like intellectual sex with a game.. WoW isnt exactly it. Its more of a 'Put 95% of your waking time into this game and you'll benefit from the rewards and probaly develop an addiction' kinda game. The game plateaus when you basically go high level dungeoning with 40 or so people. Oh yea, personally i think - and many other too - that the best ting about WoW is the people. Its basically a enourmouuuuuuusss world with decent graphics where you meet people.
  14. ds76

    ds76 Level I

    May 27, 2008
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    I still dont understand how these accounts you describe have not been iced. These very new accounts with nothing but loads and loads of trophies ae just hacker beacons to the TNT
  15. DeNo

    DeNo Level III

    May 4, 2008
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    Strange isnt it? I have a two-weeker with 16 trophies+ and 1 mil along with lab.

    There probaly used to legit players having sides like that
  16. youguessedit

    youguessedit Newbie

    Jun 30, 2008
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    Thats hilarious, I actually did some CSS and got a few avatars on my side account where I AB so it didn't look AS suspicious. Not that a 3 day old account with a fully stocked size 20 shop doesn't look suspcious lol
  17. sydanee_llama

    sydanee_llama Level I

    Dec 2, 2007
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    i just laugh.
    they could at least try to make there accounts legit.
  18. Melodare

    Melodare Newbie

    Aug 1, 2008
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    Over the rainbow. Duh. ;P
    :yup: That's exactly true. It's not like you can really earn anything from those trophies. Neopets/Neopoints/Accounts on the other hand can win you some money. ;D If I ever become nearly broke, I know exactly what to do. :maha: LOL.

    Anyway, after reading your post about the cheater dude, I'm reminded by this one person I saw. I just realized he must have been a cheater, since he was only one week and /alot/ of trophies. At that time, I didn't even know that it was possible to cheat though, so I thought he must've been really good or something. ^^ I find it funny now.
  19. Poprockz

    Poprockz Level II

    Jul 10, 2007
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    Honestly, I only read the first post and quite frankly, I was humbly amused and loved how I could relate to that kind of situation. Cheaters need to work as a team, in my point of view, because we have similar goals and I think we should take every opportunity to not only avoid colliding with or halting the productivity of a fellow cheater, but even supporting them, in only the subtlest of ways...
  20. DeNo

    DeNo Level III

    May 4, 2008
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    Eloquently and greatly put :)

    I couldn't agree more!