Month: august Date: 12th Username: mckrazy what exactly is the purpose of this. pm me please. thank you and the total number of post i have now is my birth year, how convenient.
Its means when you love someone Photonically, you love them as a friend. You don't have any sexual relationships.
Smokinjoe84 and its like 28 or something I'm better at snipers. And I dont usally play slayer. My bro and I share an account. So if someone is being a dick, it's most likely my brother.
Ah, I'll add you when I get my internet at my house. I've only had xbox live for...well, my 1 month free trial ends on the 2nd...and I had never played halo 2 before christmas, so I'm only level 19 in team slayer, and only level 1 on snipers (I only played one game but it was with people in their 20s, i was with my friends) and I had 2nd most kills and least deaths. But back on topic...