you will never be able to count pressing buttons on a controll pad "playing" a game as long as the wii is here
I myself prefer the wii over ps3 and xbox 360 because i started out with the nintendo game systems and will stay with them forever, and the fact it looks way cooler 8)
my friend has all three...If its for hardcore, he says the PS3 is best, for online its the 360 and for parties, or just straight out fun, he says wii. Its really up to personal opinion
i had play the three of them and sincerely i love the ps3 but the price its why i think is going to lose
I'm currently saving up money to get either the Nintendo Wii or the Playstation 3, the wii is appealing to me right now since I can almost afford it...
I don't personally have any of these, but price wise, Wii is better. Also, I really like the Wii's performance and look. So thumbs up for the Wii!
Indeed direscape, the Wii is far off more successful than the PS3, so i would get the Wii and the price is better and more efficient =P
Did anyone set up Linux on the PS3 yet, and emulated an Nintendo 64 Emulator+ROM? Lol, that'd be hawt.
The Wii looks cool for Zelda, but I'm a Sony fanboy, so I'm going to stick with PS3 until'/ if it fails, lol.