Version 1.81 New Features Debug mode for users having problems (under 'Help' menu) For any users having trouble with Thunder, please try this feature to see what error you get.
I used Debug Mode and again : ( ... aaaaai.png) I dont know what is the problem
Version 1.82 New Features Improvements to 'Debug' mode Attempt to fix 'Not Responding' bug for some users
Hey there, I can boot up the program just fine, log in on my Neofriends account, test proxies etc. But when I try to log in on a Neopets account (with tested proxy), it says 'An unknown error has occured'. I'm not sure what the problem is and thought that you perhaps could help.
Hmm, perhaps the proxy has trouble with POST requests? If that case, try a different proxy. If not, try upping the value 'Timeout' in the Connection tab. This should prevent the program from 'timing out' before your proxy is finished connecting. I'll also try to address this in the next update of Thunder - which should be coming.
Version 1.83 New Features Fixed wrapper 'timeout' implementation Updated default useragent to latest Firefox version (Windows 7, 64-bit) Minor code changes/cleanup
Tried without proxy (with the new version), and still cannot log in. Same error as before 'An unknown error has occured'
About the messup feature, i take it, it will play the game a bit first, then it will send the score you put in? say the messup lasted 189 sec for meerca, but you put a score off 666-1224 mod 18. wouldnt you just send it without enabling messup mode?
I've used the score sender recently to get some of the game avatars and have noticed for some games it skips and says "Parsing of Play URL failed!" I've checked the game ID and its correct, so I'm not sure what the error is? Any info would be great. =)
It keeps logging me out of my account saying I don't have right auth. But I just log back in and it's fine. I need it to not do that so I can leave it running overnight and such~ (because when it logs out of my nf account it logs out of my neo account and stops sending scores...)
Sorry I didn't come back to this for quite some time even though you've been talking to Vick on here. XD The last account I had got frozen so I don't recall all the ones that didn't work but I know these IDs for sure do it every time (as I've tried it on my new account): 386, 356, (and I believe but cannot be 100%) 330. I go in alphabetical order for the game avatars (avatar name) so over time I'll be able to get a better list but I usually only do a couple a week so it doesn't look too suspicious.. so it'll take some time before I go through them all. =)
Ah, gotcha. Is there a possibility that they will be added to the score sender somewhere down the road? Or are they a bit more convoluted/easier for TNT to spot cheating and therefore not worth the time?