I would tell myself most men are jerks, focus on school and family. You will have plenty of time to screw up your life later lol
Excellent topic! I would tell myself to stop drinking and partying so much. I would also say that if a guy invited you to his house to play cards, that he doesn't really want to play cards. I would say that wearing chains from your little sister's swing set is not jewelry. :maha:
What's with the lottery stuff? The question isn't about how to use time travel to cheat the system. It's about how you would have lived your life differently if you had a chance to do things over again. Anyway, I would have focused more on getting my homework done in college before doing "other" things, but I still would have wanted to be more social than I was. In other words I wasted a lot of time on fruitless activities.
I would say that to my self aswell and that I should have taken sport up professionally when the chance came up
I'd probably perform "A Clockwork Orange" style brainwashing session, so that I could stop messing around online when I should be doing just about anything else =/