Computer all the way TV is really only a last resort thing for me. I hate watching it. Only if Im too brain dead to use the computer. lol I don't even have cable. I have rabbit ears. Yes.... Rabbit ears... Ghetto
computer, because like others said, you can watch almost everything you watch on tv, on the computer, as well as much more
computers are more addictive. wastes more time. :x tvs dont lag, and you dont have to wait for laggy downloaded movies to play but i cant run an autobuyer on my tv.... :cry:
Computer, hands down. I do my projects, play games, read new, keep in touch with friends.. all on my comp. Can't say that about the TV.
Definitaly computer. I wouldn't be able to carry on living without my dear computer. I mean, I do everything on it, watch TV, pay my bills and so on.
computer... my entire life revolves around my computer... I only watch about 2 shows on TV [fairlyoddparentsyay] but I spend easily 16 hours a day on the computer when I'm not going out... I'm a big computer geek
If someone said you could only do one of these for the rest of your life, not both, I would have to say computer. You can download anything you wish, be more interactive and also accomplish more than you can while lying in front of a TV. Plus, you can get live streams on your PC, so why just pick T.V? My computer and my T.V are both in my room, so I can do them both at the same time. Yet, half the time I find myself watching the computer screen instead of the T.V.