Just think about it. An infinite expanse of universe, and we're the only intelligent life? Come on...Statistically, it would be impossible to think that our little rock is the only place where life flourishes. Gotta be somebody else out there.
The universe is so big why can't there be some other life out there? Plus there is a lot of evidence why would they fake ALL of it? Unless the government built some sort of space shift that they are hiding from us then I will stand by what I think.
No one is saying that aliens don't exist. It's just that given the size of the universe, it's extremely unlikely for them to find us, and vice-versa. This is why I'm extremely skeptical of alien sightings/abduction claims.
I do believe, but at the same time I dont? I think I want real proof, but still it freaks me out from watching too many crap movies of this subject. It would be interesting to see aliens though.
Don't mean to gravedig, but a very interesting article just came out! Apparently the British government has been keeping UFO sightings quiet since the 1950s? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-10853905
Personally, i think that UFO's are real. Space is just so big that there are bound to be other beings out these in some capacity. I'm not too sure if the sightings on earth are real. They could really be anything.
Yeah I saw that too, but I think that the majority of the things from the 50's might've just been Russians testing their planes and stuff. And the 60's well... probably just people being high. My dad said he saw a UFO once when he was a kid and that it was shaped like a cigar and it was just slowly moving at night with a few lights beaming down. He wasn't able to take a picture though since he was on the highway with his dad. (And I'm sure his camera wouldn't have been able to pick it up anyway).
Speaking of UFO sightings, today I say something that looked like a black disk floating in the sky. At first, I was like "!!!!", but then it only turned out to be some kind of black seabird that can remain stationary in the air...
With technology being able to make things look really real.. it's hard to say.. you can now photoshop, digitize, create something that isn't there and make it look real.. I'm sure there's life somewhere else, in another solar system.. but I dunno about 'UFOs' per say..
there is actually more proof about UFO exsistence from back when the first human civilization walked the earth called the Sumerians who worshiped something called the Annunaki, many people believe that we were created by the Annunaki, and some of the artifacts left behind has knowledge we are only finding out today, for example, the rumour of a 10th planet in our solar system, which the Sumerians did know about but we havnt actually found yet, but everything they have told us, is true about the solar system, now how would they know about this if they didnt have any telescopes or spaceships back then? its very interesting actually, you look at documentarys on youtube about the Sumerians and the Annunaki
A more recent "spotting" of a UFO was in China, where they were forced to delay flights. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yA2j6_u-IaI
hm... my kinda topic. I've been researching and following ufo cases for years now. I've seen a lot of interesting things, and a lot of lies and coverups too. The air forces official position to pilots is shoot them down, but to the public, its that they don't exist. Many air force pilots have come out reported this, some with very high power. The fact that the governments around the world say they don't exist is just lies. After all, they have the aliens technology. A guy by the name of Bob Lazar is very interesting. He claims to have work at a test site in area 51 called s4 on one alien space craft.. His job was to reverse engineer the propulsion system. Now, at first, this may seem kinda crazy, and you'll rule him out as a liar, as i did, but... after careful research, you'll find that its almost impossible for what he's saying to be a lie. First of all, all his records for everything have been whipped. The hospital he was born at has no record of him ever being born there. Obviously, someone with alot of power is trying to dis-credit him, which they have done somewhat successful, as they have no records of him going to MIT, but he has papers to prove it. Another thing is that he passed a lie detector test with flying colors. The ex cop that gave it to him (who administered lie detector tests for work for 20 years) said that either he's telling the truth or he should be in hollywood. And last but not least, the hit on his life. When driving home one day, days after getting fired from area 51, a man in black in a black car drove up behind him and tried to kill him. The guy missed, but he got so scared that the next day, he told the media what he had been doing at area 51. Figuring if he's in the spotlight, it'll look to suspicious he he dies. Watch all the videos on youtube. Also, to confirm his story as 100%, the properties of element 115, which is not made on this planet, which he claims is the fuel of the space craft, have been confirmed in the research lab in germany where they are producing particles of these elements synthetically. Its impossible for him to give the detail about the element he did with out getting his hands on it, and if he did, its impossible to get on this planet, so how did he get it? UFOs are real, i've seen multiple ones, one just as recent as a month ago. Tell me how a big, bright orb, only a few thousand feet up, can be human, when an air plane flights in front of it, and can even get close to covering it. It was at least 10 airplanes put together. There is nothing that can explain this, as it was moving. I first saw it cause i saw something blur in the sky, then i look up fully, and see it slowing down from a blur to an orb, randomly jumping fastly at times. Call me crazy if you want, but do the research, and you will see the truth. I'll post some good links later, too lazy to find them right now
Perhaps I'm researching the wrong way, but I can't seem to find any conclusive evidence proving that there is really a cover-up at Area 51. I mean, while I probably can't just automatically disregard whatever the likes of Lazar are saying, there seems to be no way of verifying their statements. (And some of their statements, such as the claims about element 115 and "antigravity engines" appear to be incorrect, though my physics background isn't too great.)
IMO, videos on youtube may not be the truth due to all the advanced video editing software we have now. I would believe if i saw one with my own eyes though.
Well, "UFO" means Unidentified Flying Object. Basically, anything airborne of which you cannot tell exactly what it is counts as a UFO. So of course they exist. If by "UFO", you are referring to extraterrestrials and such, then it is very difficult for us to say. I feel like we can't be the only ones in such a vast universe.
I think if they really existed there would be more conclusive evidence by now =p Then again the universe and neighbouring galaxy is a massive entity and who know what will pop up one day..
If extraterestials do exist, and they share the same mind set of human beings, then I would pray that they don't find us. Cuz if they do, they would most definately conquer and enslave humanity
I personally believe that intelligent life forms do exist and we will eventually meet them. btw, I have subscribed to a newsletter on an alien newsletter by Billy Booth on about.com for about 2 years. The amount of sightings and videos reported are frightening.
but the thought that we are alone in a universe with trillions of planets is kinda scary too, not to mention boring.
but that makes no sense whatsoever. Our universe is infinite, so there must be a similar system somewhere like ours, however far it may be. The only problem would be contacting them. :/