When you look up someones profile instead of only being able to search the users post, be able to see what topics that have started as well
I guess that would be a handy addition in some instances.. I thought you could by using search box, typing in a users name and searching by author.. But it searches POST authors. What were you trying to do that would of made this easier?
and to possibly be able to click on the users username from a post so you can view their profile easier as well.. so many things i love about vBulletin aren't here D: but this is good too... dont get me wrong xD
I agree - on other forums (and I think most people know which one I am talking about) you can just hover over the users name and you get a list of things you can do (ie: send a PM, view their posts, started threads, submit feedback, etc). I find it is really handy rather than searching for something with a search box.