I don't think so. People aren't going to be walking down the street and see a Korean and run away. I honestly doubt anybody will act differently, just because one person does something stupid doesn't mean the rest will suffer. How many murders do you think there are a year? Not only one race commits all muders and nobody acts different.
Overal it will not have any effect however, certain individuals may become racist if they see someone that is Korean walking down the street. Or little children that do not know any better and have racist parents...
In Regards to the Gun Laws: I happen to own a gun. More then one. I agree with our right to bear arms. It's not the gun that's the problem. It's the mentally disturbed bastard behind the trigger that happens to be the problem. So why, should I suffer because some asshole can't control his trigger figure? I've taken my safety courses (for hunting and whatnot) and I go to the shooting range a good two to three times a week. I'm one of those law-abiding citizens who keeps a loaded gun near their bed for safety and security because I know what people are like. Changing the laws won't do much 'cept piss us intelligent, gun-weilding Americans off. And even changing the laws will only do so much. They can't ban all guns. There's too many hunters living in the United States for such a law to exist. Unless they want to ban hunting too in which case they'd be dumb. In Regards to People Treating Races Differently: I'm sure it will happen. Look at the change in people's demeanor when 9-11 happened. I know, I for one had a bit of a trouble dealing with people of Eastern heritage. Even now, I see someone from such heritage and my stomach turns. People are going to carry a slight prejudice against all races when something tragic happens. Just like when some sick white man rapes a child. People in that neighborhood start looking around and treating others differently. Call it human nature if you will. In Regards To The Shooting Itself: Being that I was suppose to be enrolled at Virgina Tech, I'm rather thankful I made the decision to put it off for another year - though I don't think I'll be attending the school next year either. It was a little too close to home; 'specially since the last time I felt like this was when the crazed sniper was running through my old neighborhood in Maryland. Creepy.
I still don't get how someone can bring themself to kill so many people. I live in a somewhat decent area, so no shootings go on.
What about that little boy that finds his daddy's gun and goes to play cops and robbers with his friends? Guns should be legal, but they should have to be kept in a locked safe without the children knowing the combination.
No they don't know who it was... yet. They know that the guy first killed his ex-gf and his ex-gf's new bf =o Then he went into a tower of the library or something and started sniping people. Then he shot himself in the face, so that they couldn't recognize him. =(
My theory/belief is this: If you're going to have a gun, where your child can reach it, he/she needs to be taught gun safety. My parents have always had guns, since I was little and when I was old enough, they sat me down and started teaching me about guns. They took me out into the desert and showed me how to use a gun, properly. It's when parents "forget" to do their jobs as parents that children go out and make fatal mistakes. Like little Tommy who finds his Dad's gun and blows his friends head off. Had Little Tommy's father taken the time to teach his son, that could be avoided. My parents have never had to keep their guns locked up because my brother and I were given an adequate amount of information about said guns at a young age. And if we truly wanted to shoot the gun, my father would supervise, giving up targets and teaching us how to hold the gun, load the gun, etc. So guns don't necessarily need to be kept locked away from children.
That's debatable. No matter how much I informed my kids of the dangers of guns, I still wouldn't feel comfortable having one that is readily accessible to them. But that's just my opinion and I probably feel that way because I have had absolutely no experience with guns. My ex-boyfriend tried to get me to shoot a gun before and I just could not bring myself to do it. To me, it's just too dangerous. I'm one of those "what if" kind of people and I'm slightly paranoid so I try to keep my distance from anything like that.
I've never heard quite as selfish a statement as that.. We aren't allowed guns here in the UK and I don't think anyone suffers from it. So you feel that it's worth all of the people who are killed by guns every year being killed just because it means you get to act like a big, tough American and keep a gun? That really is pathetic and that's the problem; the fact that so many of the people in the US have that kind of attitude. You can't lock everyone up who may shoot someone, but you can make it a lot more difficult for them to do so. I think inconveniencing people like you who want to keep a gun is a far more desirable situation than the one we are seeing on the news. It's a damn shame that there are people who would rather keep themselves happy than protect other people. (I'm talking about the part about the 'In Regards to the Gun Laws' part, by the way)
The world is a messed up place. This will happen again, and again, and again. The news reports say he was a loner, and i believe the amount of school shootings has got to do with pop culture these days, its all about fitting in, being "cool" etc. Contast taunts, insults, racism etc on an already unstable mind would of course make people snap. I think that the united states has itself too blame for such situations.
Here's an updated article more indepth about the killer: http://news.sympatico.msn.ctv.ca/TopSto ... yline=True
They are reporting on the news that there was a student on campus at the time of the shootings that survived the Columbine shootings 8 years ago. How unlucky to be involved in both, how luck to survive both!
That is pretty lucky, but considering the size of the Campus the person could have been way on the other side from the shooter. Not in danger.
Wow Did you guys see the latest on this topic. The package he mailed to NBC with a video of him. Proving it was all premeditated. The package was mailed between the 2 shootings. Scary, he's really scary. I wonder what his family thinks
I also heard that. Here's a link to an article discussing this: http://news.sympatico.msn.ctv.ca/TopSto ... ing_070418
I was really shacked when I heard about this the fact it appened again like an hour later in the same uni freaked me out as well. I live in the UK and the press has been on a vendeta against London shootings, It just goes to show the availability of guns can make bigger incidents happen.
the first time i heard about it i thought it wasnt real...a maniac kill 30 people. i never thought anything like that could happen. i rescently moved to brazil but i was shocked