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Weak Sentencing for different crimes.

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by kittymeow, Jul 24, 2007.

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  1. turato

    turato Level III

    Aug 3, 2007
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    those who raped people should feel the pain!

    the government should hire a rape punisher and the suspect has to get raped due to raping someone else.
  2. noncheatercheater

    Jun 3, 2007
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    That would fall under cruel and unusual punishment which is illegal.

    And more likely people who go to prison do experience it if they don't get with the program quickly and by program, i mean gangs.
  3. kittymeow

    kittymeow Level II

    Jul 17, 2007
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    There is two sides to every story. One person lives in one world while someone else another. You defend what you have not felt( no one in particular ).

    You speak of pedofiles getting jail time but THAT WAS in MAINSTREAM MEDIA. What of in local areas. You can go to a foreign country and get away with so much, very rare but it STILL HAPPENS, and get no jail time. So a pedophile got some hard time, so what. DO ALL PEDOPHILES GET THIS TIME. You defend yourself with few exceptions to the rule but not the bigger picture. Most pedophiles are the ones watching and doing in " Good Neighboorhoods" that get caught but what about the poor. In many countries the poor is left on their own ( many exceptions I know). And situations make life for them turn to the worst.

    And the point of the manslaugther charge is to give a REAL-LIFE example of how the justice system can be manipulated. They put into your head all these rules and ideas so when someone defies you can say LOOK. A police officer can kill you for no reason and get away with it with a slap on the hand or no charges. People in high positions get a lot of power ( yet again there is exceptions). Because someone gets the manslaughter for the crime does not mean that is was that charge. Lawyers work to get the lowest sentence they can to get their client off. If you can talk smooth then you can get an unknowing jury hooked. The manslaugther charge is a way out for what can be serious crimes. There are people who do things by accident but wouldn't they CALL A AMBULANCE or try to make a effort to help the person or do you believe that they are not guilty for running and abandoning the person ( fear and confusion is not a excuse).

    For the treatment of prisoners part. I WAS NOT TRYING TO SAY TO STARVE PRISONERS but you don't see the bigger picture. The prisoners who do horrific crimes are giving a better life in jail then if they were on the street. In american if you are a prisoner YOU ARE A SLAVE. You have no rights. Read up on the 13th ammendment I believe on the exception to the ending of slavery ( hopefully the government have corrected this). Sure prisoner in certain countries get lack luster treatment but in America prisoners are treated too well. You should fear doing a crime and going to jail instead of thinking jail is nothing, the time is nothing ( Many convicts VERBALLY say this).

    And the mentally ill charge. Yes some mentally ill prisoners are put into a asylum ( excuse spelling if wrong). But at times the mentally ill plea is used for a person to get off or go to the asylum where if they are " proven to be of sound body and mind) are released. But whi is to say that they are actually cured. Some people can hide their true intention ( I have a mentally handicapped cousin who at times take advantage of people by using his handi-cap).
    This is not an attck but the other side of understanding I want to be known. My wording might not be easily understand so please ask for me to clarify.
  4. Silly

    Silly Level II

    Jun 23, 2007
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    Ooh, I hate when they have week sentencing :[...
    I was reading a thread on myspace, and this lady had killed her four sons and her daughter (she was only a couple months :(). She drowned them one by one... And when she went to court, she was NOT GUILTY for something about her being insane... I don't understand that, though... Insane or not, she should be guilty!
  5. impega

    impega Level III

    Dec 7, 2006
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    Nottingham (SHOTTS!)
    If they have mental problems, they need HELP, not to be locked up. If they just threw her in jail, chances are when she got out she would re-offend
  6. noncheatercheater

    Jun 3, 2007
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    With that kind of sentence, why on EARTH would any sane judge allow these people to be out at all??
  7. impega

    impega Level III

    Dec 7, 2006
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    Nottingham (SHOTTS!)
    Well I guess in the case of that woman, chances are if she was locked up she wouldn't be let out... But what I really ment was that the mentally ill shouldn't just be thrown away and left to rot :/
  8. noncheatercheater

    Jun 3, 2007
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    It's really hard to say. I am not prejudice but if someone who is mentally ill committed a serious crime, then they should be somewhere not around people they can hurt..
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