<div align="center"><b><u>Pricing Table</u></b><br><br><table class="stg_table tborder sortable" id="sorttable490"><thead class="thead"><tr><th><div align="center">Attribute</div></th><th><div align="center">Price</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr class="alt2"><td>Rare Specie</div></td><td><div align="center">40k</td></tr><tr class="alt1"><td>Very Rare Specie</div></td><td><div align="center">75k</td></tr><tr class="alt2"><td>Extremely Rare Specie</div></td><td><div align="center">250k</td></tr><tr class="alt1"><td>Rare Colour</div></td><td><div align="center">25k</td></tr><tr class="alt2"><td>Very Rare Colour</div></td><td><div align="center">50k</td></tr><tr class="alt1"><td>Extremely Rare Colour</div></td><td><div align="center">100k</td></tr><tr class="alt2"><td>Level (per point)</div></td><td><div align="center">3k</td></tr><tr class="alt1"><td>Endurance (per point)</div></td><td><div align="center">2k</td></tr><tr class="alt2"><td
Today I just added a new things on my desk xD A great cup of Ice Cream of a non--identified but very tasty kind of cream
My desk is pretty cluttered since everyone leaves junk on it. Computer monitor, keyboard, mouse, speakers Family photo Desk lamp Post-Its! Some penguin figurines House phone DVDs and CDs A stack of important bills and mail Postage stamps Pencil holder with pencils and pens Piles of overdue homework for school Pride and Prejudice Bottle of water Cell phone I am in the process of begging my parents for a bigger and better desk :funky:
Monitor, printer, keyboard, speakers Cups of water, empty bowl with some nasty crusty stuff :lol: tons of books (harry potter, dictionary, book of dead days) uni apps mp3 player rolls of tape, psych, music textbooks It's very very messy
Right now it's full of BREAD. And old warm milk suitable for cooking. I got super lucky dumpster diving B)
whats the point telling this? (not to be rude just curious) well i have: a hnaky my keys loose change remote notebook batteries tape cards pappers id card poster and standard computer stuff B)
Why that's obvious. Not like anyone cares what's on people's desks, this is just a way to 'discuss' our our way to loads of cash points On my desk there is a ballpoint pen with a chewed cap, and a plastic cat toy with chewed ears. I'm like a baby, I need to be chewing on stuff when I'm doing something on the computer I'd probably be fat already if I didn't have something else to put on my mouth besides food.
baby toys monitor external hard drive purell 2 cups fantastic platic bubbles router 2 wii remote cell phone and a whole bunch of other juck errrr :lol:
well i left it mess while i went on holiday and my very kind sister cleaned it so its quite tidy for once, Computer monitor PS3 Computer Keyboard 2 speakers Printer Modem Router Cellphone Housephone Digital photo frame Wallet Passport an a empty glass (while for the time being)
2 speakers assoorited dvds $3.46 pens yellow notepad 2 finished sprite cans, alarm clock tv tv remote cell phone cell phone charger
computer moniter slaves more slaves a dead body Oh wait.... on my desk? computer moniter slaves more slaves a dead body your mom
A monitor 2 Speakers Tower A little toy milkshake A camera A penny "Pure Seduction" body butter xD Mango Starfruit Body Spray A Butterknife An Acara figurine A Babaa figurine Waterbottle Notepad That's about it...xD
laptop, mouse and mouse mat, glass of water, mug of tea a million pieces of paper and a picture of my brother for some reason =/
Computer Screen Lamp calendar Pencil Tin Paper organizers Food tins Printer Address books Earring stand.