Thats amazing! lol. How did you bolt it to the chair leg, like did you need any special tools? And it looks like it might tip over easily if you leaned back too far... were there any balance issues when you were making it?
Freakin awesome. But where are the arms? xD I was going to try to make one of those, until I found out that I needed powertools
Only tools needed was a drill and 2 drill bits and an angle grinder to take the seatbelt thing off. then i just used 3 bolts to bolt the leg on and theres no balance issue i can lean as far back as i want B)
looks totally cool!! IMHO you should of use a chair with climate control - you know those air conditioned and heated ones! :lol:
lol theres no arm rests for when ur just sittin back and chillin...and yes very messy room haha it also looks like it would tip over if someone sat in it
It really doesnt looks like you would be able to lean far back, I would probably be scared. I guess its something you just have to feel to fully grasp the awesomeness. Great job though.
That is a very good idea. friend totaled his car not too long ago, I'll have to check what kind of seats he had in it. Keep up the good work! ~M