well i think its nice but like alot have said the N and F are a bit far apart, but it really depends on what you think and if you like it, and the spelling isint such a big deal, im so full of typos its embarrrasing and i mispell alot ><
It's pretty good..though the n and the f need to be closer. is that bump intentional? cus i think it would look better symmetrical..either bump at the top,too or none at all. but overall,it's nifty.
Seems a bit simple...and, I'm not sure if anyone pointed this out yet, but 'friends' is spelled wrong. xD
No need to be mean... :nope: EDIT: This topic is really old..it should be locked before anyone posts again. It shouldn't been gravedug (lol, is that a word?) in the first place.