Thank you For shading you simply select the the color of the shade you want, and draw a line which determins where the shadeing will be, one you've done that you use the paint bucket tool, on the area you've selected.
I think it's fantastic for paint... It's super good any way, but to be done in paint... you've got to have uber patience, especially with a bad mouse. Awesome job!!
Thank you, and you're right, it does take a lot of patience, because paint does present quite a few challenges, and my mouse doesn' help either Anyways. I'm glad you like it.
You drew this on PAINT using a mouse?! Simply amazing! I don't think I can draw that well via hand. *headdesk*
Nah, I can afford one through Nps, but I just don't like em that much, which is why my version is completely different from that of TNTs
haha then why drawl one? why not do one of your other pets and turn that in! I would so vote for you!
I have , I just don't wanna post the pic on here, cause then ppl will know my acc, and maybe TNT is lurking :O
haha oh noes! that happened to one of my forums that I was real popular at... TNT was lurking and found all the cheat programs and like sued my friend who owned the site so he promised to take down the site if they dropped the charges... so he changed the domain name of the site and iced all the TNT lurker accounts! haha! but just cross out your name in those pics I wanna see them