Today I got 2 fearie quests! That is some luck! I got the dark and the earth.. I dislike the earth.. only gives me food in return. -_-
I got an FFQ today. It was on probably the 10 page I clicked on an account I just made. I wonder how much I could get for it if I completed the quest and then sold it...
-stare- FFQ. -drool- I want a FFQ on my main account. Simply because I want that Buzzin' avatar. Question: What item did she ask for?
Get a chia and make it Pea, and sell it for like 2 mil OR, create a topic asking "Whats your most desiered pet" in the pet market, and ask how much theyd pay for one, and see what you could make
Probably get it for ~200k if you haggle. Unless you bought a draik/krawk i doubt you could make NP. Maybe pirate pet would be good?
Sell the account with the FFQ on it. Then they can transfer their pet over to it and do whatever they want?
rofpmslmfao best ive ever done was a grey petpet paintbrush. lol has anyone else got that one that says "all your neopoints are gone, your bank account is empty, all your items have been donated etc... oh it was just a dream" or something along those lines?
yeah.. the fake nightmare one.. got it at least 15 times i like the earthquake random event, it has nice effects lol
my best was a secret lab map peice would have rocked if those shop random events where true tho to bad its just a fake
Something has happened! You find a piece of the secret laboratory map! Just got one today! free 80k mauhaa