Can we start a thread on the worst random event? Cause some ******** grundo just stole my icetravaganza scratchcard while i was play games.
Ouch, that sucks. I had the pant devil steal a piece of the secret lab map RIGHT (literally the next page) after I bought it for like 50k.
Haha one random event that scared me the most was something like this: All your neopoints and items have been stolen, you have nothing left. The only - Oh wait, it was just a horrible dream something like that
Yeah the same here i thought it really happened then i got really happy when i read that it was a dream :tehe:
sadly, the best thing thats happened to me was the LAb Map pieces. Its happened on more than one occasion though, so can't complain too much. I pray for a UB someday though.
Well, maybe this doesnt qualify as a random event, but I've gotten 3 5,000 NP prizes from buried treasure in a row.