lol It actually kinda sux... it's like a different home page sorta, I can beta test games, or browse the site in portal mode - - check this out
you have to refer people to get most of those things... and it's one avatar, a sidebar theme, the amulet, and neomail SHH events
i Think it was when I found (dr.sloth gave me) a Scorchio Trans Potion, i think that was the best random event that ever happened to me.
Best random... I would have to say on my old account when my Lupe got zapped into a baby lupe I was saving up to buy a baby paintbrush at that time! Yay!
Not a RE, but i wont a Tyrannian PB from the Wheel of Monotony. I've found probablly 20 lab map pieces. And at least 500 codestones, those things just pop out all of the time. And I've found at least 10 nerkmids. I have good luck, i suppose