my best were probably the tooth faerie avvi, sloth avvie, and boochi, however boochi zapped my lab pet so a few days later he changed from baby to something rubbish anyway grr
the best random event I ever got was finding a peice of the lab map on the floor 50,000 np right there CHA-CHING!
I have a WORST random event, and it is very bad. The black usul random event stole my PIRATE PAINT BRUSH. I didn't screenie it but that was 5.3 million down the drain, and I only was on about 1 minute because I just got up. Best random event I think would either be getting a trans potion (forgtten which one) ages ago or getting a 98k secret lab map piece the other day.
my best event was probably just a secret lab map... but it has happened several times. and i've gotten like 20 codestones over the past many years.
the best random i ever gotten was a Draki Trans mog potion..while i was doing the altador polt and i sold it for 2.8 mil and i split it with my g/f
Probably getting a Spooky Paintbrush, or whatever it's called. I had other good ones, can't remember though