I just had a neopets 7th birthday goodie bag drop into my lap. That has NEVER happened before. I've been getting a lot of random events lately...weird stuff.
I think the best I've ever gotten is pieces of the lab map. Or something like that. But whatever it is, it isn't very good.
scratch my last post i got my bruce zapped into a baby by that evil guy i dunno his name but whatever
What is the best random event that's happened to you, ever? Darigan pb but i didnt know the value of this then
After asking around on the Neoboards to buy a lab map piece that I needed to complete the set... I got the one I needed through an event five minutes later. I like to think TNT smiled upon me.
Gosh... you got trans potions and pbs. The best event I ever got was finding a piece of lab map in the floor.