Best thing I ever get are random Secret Lab Map pieces. I have made a pretty penny off of those, and they also helped when I assembled my own map! I'm still waiting for a Dr. Sloth random event...hopefully ones that includes a potion!
I got a baby paint brush. But I sold it And with the lab maps I used my chomby and got a biscuit chomby. yay!!
the best thing that i ever got was a trans potion...and lab maps that i sold for a good profit...but that is about it
I never really get anything from random event. But i remember like 7 years ago or so my sister got a Nerkmid, Damn her =(.
I think the best randoms happening to me was getting a whole map just by random events one time. It wasn't in like 1 day but over about 2 months I got a whole treasure map in random events.
Not really "good" event, but I got a lab map piece sent from my girlfriend, and the pant devil stole it ;-;