getting my old is impossible now .. lol.. my current goal is about 2mill atm. 1mill to save and the other to buy stuff with
I would have to say my goals are to get my shop up to main, get my dream permi pets, get the Tyrannian Stamp avvie, and have a decent BD set. So some pretty lofty goals But what are goals worth if you could get them instantly?
Currently my goals are 15mil in the bank (though if I get there I'll probably up my goal), a lab for one of my side accounts, a gourmet pet (about halfway there), and more avvies.
trying to hit 10 mill in cash now. A distant goal would be trying to earn 15k per day in bank interest so i can stop cheating
:lol: That's a good goal. Do you get frozen often or just not cheat often? Because I've heard of stories of people making that much in a single day.. I'm kind of new to the illegit scene so I'm trying to get a feel for freeze rates and profits.
Rebuild a new account equivalent to my old one. :/ That's going to be difficult. And very time-consuming.
i wanna hit my first million ever on an extremely old account, get great pet stats and more trophies for my lookup.. an account as old as mine should at least have some good trophies.
Haha I know what you mean. My account is old old and I have like 0 trophies.. I'm just sooo bad at games. I practice and practice, but there's never a way I could get on the table.
haha that made me laugh Aiore xD i guess my goal is a good BD set and nothing more. maybe a faerie lenny because those look cool
My goal for neopets is to stay un-iced for longer than a month....i had that goal about two weeks ago then got iced just when i turned 3 weeks on there...tnt seems to hate me! my new account is 2 days old