i'm going to have to say a rainbow lutari, but if it was available i would have to choose a electric lutari that would look awesome
my dream pet is a Poogle MSP i'm looking for him since 4 month ago... now that the pound is open i look for it everyday but still no luck
my dream pet is msp poogle at the moment i have a plushie poogle so hoping the lab will do it soon lol
I've always liked eyries a lot.. My current goal is painting one baby Royal and Darigan Wockys look pretty awesome too.
mine used to be a draik then i got one and i didnt like it so much anymore,now i really couldnt care less but as far as just plain color no clothing i think pirate pets are the best no matter what you paint they get some good personality with that pb ;D
Pirate Draiks Grey Krawk Pepper Chia Plushie Eyrie They're my 4 dream pets. Especially the Pepper Chia. :yup: