Hi , there! Welcome We are a neopets cheating site, we offer programs to "enhance" your neopets experience. You get 1 point for every non spam post you make you can turn these points into programs, each program requires a different amount of points. You can get points for donating to neofriends if you feel you would like the programs quicker. IF you need any help with anything, please please please dont struggle, pm me or another member and we will be try our best to help you out. ( To pm people, click the bottom left of this or any post) (pm: means to send a message) _________________
What might also help is reading the rules and ranks It'll make sure you don't do anything wrong. And welcome here
This might also help reading this: [Guide] NEWBIES, READ HERE! *Ultimate Guide to Neofriends* It will give you a lot of information about Neofriends.net you'll need to know.