MSP Poogle. =) I recently found out what it stood for, but I have been calling it, My Special Plushie Poogle. But, that's for kicks. I was wondering if you buying a plushie paint brush and painting the poogle would be the same thing.
Lsqueeky : Nope, the Poogle would look like that : It would look ridiculous xD Anyway, my most wanted item is a SoS right now.
I finally got a Pirate Paint Brush from a RE. An item that I would most want at this moment is another PB to cross-paint my pet with.
Lucky duck. I only ever got 3 things from Jacko's RE. And they were all PPPBs (Grey, Faerie, and Custard) Update on my wanting nothing: I want luck. ):
Ahh, I remember when these were so much cheaper. Same with Hypno Helmets I had like 50 of them when I first started playing and I forgot the accounts pass... If only I knew
I remember back when almost everything was cheaper XD But i was still a noob with almost no points so it still seemed expensive to me. If only i could go back in time and buy everything thats super expensive now XD
Rod of dark Nova- worth about 1,000,000,000 + ( and thats if you can find one! ) lol Its quite a good weapon, I know somebody with 1 I would settle for Coltzans stamp or w/e its called
the item i would love right now is a bony grarrl club as it is inflating constantly and they are expensive