Psh, of COURSE Pig Latin is! It's spoken by the Pigtinos, obviously. I-ay m-aay a-ay ig-pay atin-lay aster-may! I can speak Enligsh (of course) and I know like, 5-10 words each in 10 other languages. O_O
French, which is my first language, and English. I know some sentences in Spanish, I'm currently learning it at school.
I've recently just started picking up german. My uncle just moved to the states from germany and I've been hanging out with him lately.
hehe... i can speak Bahasa, do u know that??! its from indonesia but of course a bit of english. im still learning it...
I dunno if you guys ever heard of this but i speak Hmong as my first language, english as my second language, and bits of french